1625 Hrs GMT London Saturday 1 March 2008:
Khoodeelaar! marking the 2nd anniversary of the formal demand as put to the 'local' Tower Hamlets 'full' [FOOL!] Council [on Wednesday 1 March 2006] to recognise the community's demand as emphatically and unanimously expressed at the public meeting held [on Sunday 22 January 2006 ] in the Hanbury Street London E1 in support of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the CRoSSRAIL hole Bill and against the CRoSSRAIL hole-inviting role of the Tower Hamlets Council ….. We report on the contextual observations made this past week by some of those in the community who were inspired by the community’s demand to Tower Hamlets Council to stop playing the Crossrail hole-inviting role.. Among those we have spoken to this past week is Kutub Uddin Ahmed Shikder… He has recalled that when the John Major-led Conservative Govt. opened up the former Isle of Dogs in the 'deprived inner city East London borough of Tower Hamlets' to Big Business in the 1990s, one of the key promises [typically a false promise] the John Major administration made was that the take-over of the East End land by Big Business would ‘bring benefits and jobs to the area’…. Kutub Uddin Shikder has never spoken about this before… Until he was interviewed by Khoodeelaaronline during the last week… He has seen so many similar promises being made to allegedly benefit the ordinary people in the East End of London. There is no benefit coming to the local people. Not that could justify the take-over of the lands, the mass transfer of the communities that are being actually planned and plotted at the expense of f the East End…. We report in full the comments that Kutub Shikder has made… Then we report on one of the most familiar participants in the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the CRoSSRAIL hole attacks…. Kay Jordan who directs the Spitalfields Small business Association, has been involved at various levels in the campaign against the Crossrail hole attacks… As a community architect, Kay Jordan has already petitioned the UK House of Commons ‘Crossrail Bill Select Committee’ against the fundamentally flawed Crossrail alignment that causes there to be unnecessary digging, destruction in the East End of London. Kay Jordan is among 113 objectors [=’petitioners’] to the UK legislative House of lords against the Crossrail hole Bill… We also update on the role of some ‘opposition’ [!!!!!!!!] bench councillors on the Tower Hamlets Crossrail hole-inviting council and recall the public demonstration Khoodeelaar! Held outside the 'Tower Hamlets Council' Town Hall situated at the wasteland outside of the Tower Hamlets population called the Mulberry Place in the evening of Wednesday 1 March 2006, just under two hours before the formal session of the ‘full’ [FOOL!] Council meeting was held….At that meeting, one lone councillor tabling a motion reflecting the community’s demand for the passing by the 'Council' of the 'No to Crossrail hole Bill resolution', was not supported by most councillors…. We ask: who are these councillors and who is actually benefiting from the silence and the obstructive, anti-community activities of these councillors …[To be continued] … _______________________________________________
The 2nd Edition of the day of the AADHIKARonline London UK was updated at 1555 GMT on Saturday 1 March 2008 Publishing from the East End of London UK in support of the Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Bethnal Green south and Stepney London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole plot [known as the ‘hybrid’ piece of draft legislation, now in the UK ‘House of Lords’ as the ‘Crossrail Bill’] At last! The Guardian, albeit very sneakily and typically dishonestly, confesses to half of the truth about Ken Livingstone's wasteful adventures – 2012 Olympics staging touting and the Big Business CRoSSRAIL hole plot! The Guardian does the confessing in a sneak piece, written typically sneakily by one of the insidious Guardian’s most insidious ‘writers’, Michael White. He sneaks inside brackets the oetrhw2ise serious fact that in Birmingham, there is a lot of complaint against the Ken Livingstone adventures. Why does the Guardian do that instead of devoting full length, feature length investigative reports into the Ken Livingstone disasters that are the 'Undone' 2012 Olympics staging and the 'Undone' Crossrail ? AADHIKARonline will follow these and related questions in the course of today Saturday 1 March 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AADHIKARonline quoting the Guardian and Michael White sneakily confessing to the wastes of Crossrail and the 2012 Olympics, from the Guardian unbelievable website on Saturday 1 March 2008 Labour security no great advert for politics Saturday March 1 2008 This article appeared in the Guardian on Saturday March 01 2008 on p9 of the UK news section. It was last updated at 02:32 on March 01 2008. It is not hard to spot a party political conference nowadays. Armed police are in evidence and key roads are closed off. Anxieties about terrorism may be to blame, but security for Labour's spring gathering put a damper on Birmingham's otherwise thriving city centre yesterday. It is not a great advert for politics. Inside the International Conference Centre the mood of Labour activists was brighter than the weather, though well aware that the May 1 local elections - for which this weekend's conference is a launchpad - could be even tougher than four years ago now the shine is off Brown. Then the Blair-led governing party lost 450 seats and control of eight councils and was beaten into third place (37%:27%:26%) by the Liberal Democrats. This time there are elections in Wales and 139 English councils. That includes the second city, Birmingham, where an uneasy Tory-Lib Dem coalition ("Con-Dem" to Labour wits) has ruled since defecting Muslim councillors helped break Labour's hold in 2004 by joining the Lib Dems. Despite a £450m Whitehall grant to posh up New Street station, resentment of London (all that money for CrossRail and the Olympics!) is never far below the surface of Brummie political chat. The city has bounced back. But decades of shedding manufacturing jobs - 200,000 in the 1980s alone, recalls Labour's local leader, Albert Bore - are not quite over as the Indian steel giant Tata closes in on Rover and Jaguar cars. But no one yesterday denied that the major surrogate battle between Gordon Brown and David Cameron in 2008 is the London mayoralty. Both sides know the result of Ken v Boris will shape voter perceptions in the general election run-up. So a succession of senior ministers trooped to the ICC podium to pile into Boris Johnson, no laughing matter but "a nasty reactionary elitist with odious views and criminal friends", as Hazel Blears put it. Mayor Livingstone, the day's star turn, was warmly applauded after saying that London's problems were too important to be left to "George W Boris". He also referred mately to Gordon ("we are the same generation"), Hazel, Tessa and Ed (Balls) as if they had never quarrelled. Their protests confirm the obvious: Boris has them worried. Addressing Tory councillors in nearby Warwickshire, Mr Cameron promised "neighbourhood budgets" and greater accountability. Labour too has a story to tell if it can get it across. Balls, more Blairite than Blair, now on city academies, spoke of 22 universities coming forward to sponsor them and of 90,000 new apprenticeships. When Brown addresses the 500-plus delegates this morning he will talk about all he plans to deliver. He could do worse than look around him. The ICC and much else in the revitalised centre - and beyond - are the legacy of Sir Dick Knowles, once Roy Hattersley's Brummie agent and legendary city boss. He died a fortnight ago - "a bit under-appreciated" says a veteran trade unionist. The thought may spur the PM on. AADHIKARonline unquoting the Guardian and Michael White sneakily confessing to the wastefs of CRoSSRAIL and the 2012 Olympics, from the Guardian unbelievable website on Saturday 1 March 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AADHIKARonline, London UK, on Friday 29 February 2008 Editor©Muhammad Haque aadhikarlaw@yahoo.co.uk Continuing to originate and initiate the overdue argument on key issues affecting society in the inner cities in the UK today. Among those items and matters that must be addressed in the Britain on the last day of the ‘romantic’ [as in 'rare'!] second month of the year 2008 in the European calendar are listed the following. These are scheduled to be expanded on and added to on this site and on the associated AADHIKAR Media web sites and web pages during Friday 29 February 2008: - The poverty of the once ‘prudent’ [really? When was Gordon Brown EVER truthfully prudent?] Gordon Brown as he is given yet another page-full spin by the Thatcher-worshipping, Thatcher-revivalist ‘Daily Mail’ [Friday 29 February 2008] on a day that ‘news’ breaks about the bizarre decision by Brown’s regime to make thousands of ‘properly employed’ [cf,] people at the UK state Welfare [war-on-the-impoverished and the war-for-creating poverty] Ministry known now-a-days as the ‘Department for Work and Pensions’ [=’DWP’] jobless… . The really serious, mega-bucks Benefit Fraud as practised by Gordon Brown …and the robbery of £Billions of public money by the shifty little army of careerists as ministers and consultants that has been in place and as installed at the DWP since 2 May 1997… . Further exposing the emptiness of the very vain and the very empty Veronica Wadley [‘editor’ of the ‘London’ ‘EVENING STANDARD’], the most prejudiced and ignorant ‘editor’ of a ‘mainstream’ ‘British media’ ‘title’ albeit based in the ‘London region’. How Wadley has aided and abetted – and is aiding and abetting ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone in Livingstone’s lying offences as a Big Business tout over-spinning the crass project Crossrail. Why Veronica Wadley is herself operating a brazenly lying agenda promoting Ken Livingstone on every single occasion and aspect concerning ‘Crassrail', at a time when her own title ['EVENING {standardless} STANDARD’, London commuters!] is also carrying almost consistent items [since 5 December 2007] exposing some of Livingstone’s general unaccountability, lack of transparency, lack of respect for the ordinary people of London, lack of respect for the public resources over which he has the Tony Bliar-presented powers, Livingstone’s untrustworthiness, unreliability, untruthfulness and corruption and abuse of office…. 1. How the many lies for the ‘London Crossrail’ scam as uttered, retailed, repeated, peddled and exhibited via the Big business tout Ken Livingstone have been allowed to remain unchanged by ALL the ‘mainstream’ media in Britain whose editorial decisions have been on this issue made as if they were complying with a sort of D-Notice! To maintain HUSH on all evidence that point to and show up the crassness, the absurdity, the unconstitutionality, and the uneconomics of the CRoSSRAIL hole plan… Whither the ‘British media’? Is the ‘Daily Mail’ sinking under the weight of its own immorality dressed up as an almost acceptable Gordon Brown when Brown has exposed his own naked ambition and lack of ethical prudence? 2. Does the UK ‘House of Commons’ [the so-called legitimate part of the two-part ‘British Parliament] deserve to be shielded from liability in morality, ethics and decency? Who has decided that banishing ethics from the ‘Palace of Westminster’ is in keeping with Gordon Brown’s slogan as uttered imperialistically during his ‘succeeding trip’ to the continent of Africa? ‘Succeeding’ as in succeeding Tony Blair into No 10 Downing Street. [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AADHIKARonline commentary n the CRASSness of Ken Livingstone's obdurate idiocy about his alleged economic knowledge CRoSSRAIL hole plotter Ken Livingstone now confesses that he has been in plots to bring in hordes of Bob Kileys! And he demands that the over hyped, over-remunerated Kileys must be paid for from the funds that would otherwise be usefully applied to meet pressing needs of people of London.. Livingstone made the utterance at a standardless ‘EVENING STANDARD’ debase [NOT ‘debate’] where he was allowed to get away with another utterance of the plethora of his brazen falsification and myth making about his stand on Heathrow In the same hour, Livingstone brazenly said that he was with the Heathrow airport propagandists and that he was against the Heathrow airport propagandists. [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0540 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 27 February 2008 How the so-called ‘mayor debate’,’ London debate’ being staged and or promoted and or peddled currently by the Crossrail hole plot-backer ‘Evening standard’ and the awfully ignorant ‘ITV London news’ are deliberately avoiding the telling of the truth to the people of London about the costs of Crossrail and the so-called major projects like the hosting of the 2012 Olympic Games . AVOIDABLE costs. In terms of the losses to the environment and the losses to the public [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By©Muhammad Haque 1220 Hrs GMT < London Tuesday 26 February 2008 On Wednesday 20 February 2008 members of the ‘legislative House of Peers’ at Westminster, London, paid a visits a few miles down to the East End of London. IN all intents and purposes, it was a fact-finding trip. And it had far more relevance to the status of the Upper House of the British parliament itself than would be applicable to a whole number of more publicised and length trips that members of the same ‘House’ make from time to time. In fact those other trips take place almost every single week of the year. Many, if not all, of those other trips can be categorised as junkets. In one way or another. But this trip, the one that took place in the afternoon of Wednesday 20 February 2008, was never a junket. And the fact that it did take place is a testimony to the people who have been doing the campaign in defence of the East End of London. That campaign has gone on for more than four years. Sand it has been an impeccably constitutional and legal campaign. Sand an exceedingly well-informed and systematic campaign. A democratic and universally educational Endeavour the like of which has not been witnessed in what is known as the London borough of Tower Hamlets. And the impact of the campaign is going to last far longer than any quick-famed headlined item, of activity accorded space, frequent reference and prominence by the ignorant and corrupting 'media’ circulating in and at the expense of the East End of London.. AADHIKAR online is going to publish the remainder of the report on the visit and its implications. By implications, I mean constitutional, political, democratic and ethical. Those other parts of this report will appear later on today and in the next few weeks,. In the weeks to come, the most comprehensive update on both the Crossrail Bill [now in the legislative 'House of Lords'] as it is and the many technical, social, ecological, environmental aspects and issues raised by it will be covered. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Muhammad Haque daily ethical commentary from the inner city London that has been corrupted by the careerist Ken Livingstone seeking and holding publicly paid positions in London for nearly 40 years 1530 Hrs GMT London Monday 25 February 2008 What is the role of ordinary people in the future of ordinary people’s lives in terms of the exercise of power by whoever is the mayor in the name of London with such a powerful say on more than £10 billion of the public money that the holder of that Blair-created post exercise? Are the ordinary people recognised by anyone seeking to occupy that post after 1 May 2008 scheduled election? We are being ‘recognised’ only in the worst, wrongest possible way. As vote fodder. As targets f the electoral brainwashing and influence so that come the polling day, al of us prepared to exercise our allegedly democratic say, can say it in the way the propagandists want. This is going on more menacingly in favour of `Ken Livingstone, the current incumbent than in favour of any of the other announced candidates s far. The role being played by the latest listed names as publicised today [Monday 25 February 2008] by the London-centered operation of the Guardian news and propaganda outfit [that used to be the pretender to the claim of being an almost different newspaper associated with the over-hyped Scott Trust and its alleged ethical mission], in perpetuating the lethal and the insidiously lying myths for the career of ken Livingstone can only be compared with the role played over centuries by gangs of opportunists and anti-democratic elements that belonged to entrenched and vested interest groups and projects. today’s guardian list is the third such to be paraded by ken Livingstone in his ‘support’ in the past two months and 20 days [5 December 2007 to 25 February 2008] the first one was the smallest [so far], and branded by Livingstone himself as 'black leaders' or 'back community leaders' that featured Herman Ouseley and was staged in the immediate aftermath of the London Evening Standard’s publication on 5 December 2007 of a number of allegations against ken Livingstone’s role, administration and his entourage. the second one was a list made up in the main of apparently Muslim l community leaders. none of those people displayed in that list in fact had sought the ‘Muslim’ community view. Nor had they stated, at any point prior to their promotion as Ken Livingstone 'Muslim' 'community' propagandists, that they, these 'Muslim community leaders' nor had Herman Ouseley sought the views of ordinary ‘black’ people, meaning the mainly Caribbean and African members of the London population, this inference of ‘black’ itself is contextual and not one that is universally objectively defined. Far less justified. more about the definition of 'black people' or ‘black community’ at a later stage. Back to ken Livingstone parades of his alleged ‘Muslim community’ and ‘black community’ supporters [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL supporting evidence vindicating the Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill statement as addressed to the ‘Crossrail Bill Committee members of the legislative “House of Lords” visiting the East End of London on Wednesday 20 February 2008 As the London PRESS ASSOCIATION was reporting the news about UK House of Commons Speaker Michael Martin on Sunday 24 January 2008 As the London Times newspaper website was reporting the news about UK House of Commons Speaker Michael Martin on Sunday 24 January 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from the previous editions of the AADHIKARonline, London, UK published on the Internet during Sunday 24 February 2008 If the BBC’s AM [=’Andrew Maar’ slot has been a criminal violation against the ethics of broadcasting accountability then the same BBC’s ‘the Politics Show’ has not been far behind in that category. Especially as the London segment in this lunchtime’s edition [Sunday 24 February 2008] actually contained a reference to alleged criminality and to the concept of crime. And just as with Andrew Maar, the BBC sabotaged the truth on the Politics Show today by allowing a criminally untruthful, diversionary, inaccurate callous, anti democratic, opportunistic contribution to be made by Tony Travers about the conduct of Ken Livingstone [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Khoodeelaar! first response [at 1150 Hrs GMT Sunday 24 February 2008] to ‘Crossrail hole’ plot-backer, ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Lyingstill Livingstone’s utterances via the BBC TV as facilitated by the criminally irresponsible Andrew Maar this morning. Andrew Maar’s very presence on BBC1 as the fronter of that slimy, ignorant, undemanding, unrevealing time-serving slot is a crime. It is a brazen assault on the truth. it is a crime because Andrew Maar [just fancy the BBC’s gormlessly abbreviating the sot ‘AM’ as if the servile overpaid time-server is an institution of some credibility] is based on deception and fraud. Deception on the viewers and the general public. And a fraud against as many people as actually tuning into the programme. Both expect the BBC to tell the truth, to tell the truth on relevant matters and in time and n time. This is so that wrongdoers can be seen for what they are and the people are spared the additional wrongs that wrongdoers may do if allowed to go on unexposed. The BBC does let the wrongdoers go on unexposed. And it is a crime because the controllers of the BBC’s programme agenda want the contents to be so servile, so untrue, so pathetically supportive of the status quo. The status quo being a corrupt one, the Andrew Maar show is part of a criminal withholding of relevant facts from the public. The facts are about the ongoing and the massive abuse of power by those in power. Power that belongs to the public, power that is [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first notice by Khoodeelaar! as published at 0930 Hrs GMT Sunday 24 February 2008 Crossrail hole plot-backer ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone is CAUSING a RISE in crime and criminality in London. He is as committing a criminal falsehood by uttering, as he has done on the ‘Andrew Marr’ show on the BBC1 in the last 10 minutes. Khoodeelaar! response to Livingstone’s appearance on the BBC this morning, will be published in the course of today [Sunday 24 February 2008] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Khoodeelaar! points the way forward for the entire ‘British Vahloos-parliament’ – how Gordon Brown can actually end up learning 'from the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill the truth about the precarious threat posed to of democracy, accountable representation by the touts, agents and lobby-ists for the 'Crossrail hole campaign – coming here shortly -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- click here to view the AADHIKARonline reports containing pictures taken during the Khoodeelaar! demonstrations against the CrossRail hole Bill held to mark the ‘visit’ of the east end of London by the legislative ‘house of lords’ members of the ‘CrossRail Bill Select Committee’ [‘of the House of lords’] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE for the LATEST KHOODEELAAR! No to the “Crossrail hole plot [=’the hybrid’ ‘Crossrail Bill’ in the UK Parliament]” campaign action news, updates, announcements and campaign materials, references, dissections and analyses Also to view the latest KHOODEELAAR! Constitutional law and evidential documents and materials. These are being published as part of the formal and actual factual KHOODEELAAR! Objections presented [on 30 January 2008] to the UK ‘legislative’ ‘House of Lords’ ‘Crossrail Bill’ ‘SELECT COMMITTEE’. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The East End of London holds a Most Memorable Party for the visiting members of the UK Legislative ‘House of Peers’ in Brick Lane! Stand by for an action replay of the music to which the ‘visiting’ members of the UK [legislative upper chamber] 'House of Lords' were entertained - most politically! Here and on associated web sites backing the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill [now in the same ‘legislative’ House of Lords’] What Khoodeelaar! demonstrations in Whitechapel, Brick Lane London E1 said on Wednesday 20 February 2008 to the ‘visitors’ from the UK legislative ‘House of Lords’ ‘Crossrail Bill Select committee’ - texts, reports and news images, due here during Friday 22 February 2008 The Latest evidence of the Crossrail hole plot agenda-pusher and City of London interests’ ally and ‘mayor at the expense of London’ Ken Livingstone – AADHIKARonline exposing the criminal abuse of the office of the ‘mayor of London’ Why the ‘Evening Standard’ is still shielding and protecting Ken Livingstone - because Livingstone is a useful and time-serving, selfish and cunning tool for the Big Business that the Evening Standard is part of and that is why the Evening Standard is not saying one single word about the completely CRASS Crossrail hole project scam that Livingstone has been used to peddle. We expose the LATEST and some current examples of the lethal double standards of the Evening standard and focus on the urgent need to have a ‘local London media’ that is truthful, consistent in telling the truth and is vigilant on the conduct - and the misconduct of those who seek and hold publicly paid for offices across London.. Why the police component of politics and 'even democracy' [what! in London...] needs constitutional audit and why the Ghastly London Assembly is just as wasteful and diversionary as is everything else that has been created around it ['the GLA'] - the ‘mayor’ at the expense of London and the ‘Metropolitan Police Authority’ [what that !!!!!?????] Additional news in defence of the communities across London and an update on the corrupt clique in control; of the Greenwich London borough Council and what they are getting up to for Crassrail Breaking news from the Khoodeelaar! Campaign -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from the previous editions of AADHIKARonline as published on Thursday 21 February 2008 Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill CAMPAIGN has first, ‘informal’ ‘contact’ with a number of the members of the ‘legislative House of Lords’ in the Hanbury Street! Off Brick Lane, London E1. This happened yesterday, Wednesday 20 February 2008 when a group of the legislative 'House of Lords' members arrived in the East End of London to take a look at some of the Crossrail hole-plot targets. Full reports will begin to appear on this web site and on associated web sites starting at 1400. Hrs GMT today Thursday 21 February 2008 . Early summaries can be viewed from 1200 Hrs GMT onwards on the associated web sites supporting the Khoodeelaar! ‘No to Crossrail hole Bill’ Campaign, including HERE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Images and news reports of the Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill demonstrations during the ‘legislative House of Lords’ members’ visits in the East End of London on Wednesday are accessible fro here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE to access another version on a blog of today’s’ AADHIKARonline -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AADHIKARonline report 1200 Hrs GMT London Thursday 21 February 2008 A uniformed London metropolitan policeman stated that he was asking the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the CrossRail hole bill to stop making any further speeches or playing the ‘improvised’ drilling noise ‘music’, because to do so would be a ‘breach of the peace’! The statement was made on Wednesday 20 February 2008 towards the end of the Khoodeelaar! Day of street activities held across the BRICK LANE, WHITECHAPEL, and BETHNAL GREEN SOUTH AND STEPNEY LONDON E1 AREA to coincide with the ‘site’ or ‘location’ visit by a number of the members of the UK LEGISLATIVE HOUSE OF LORDS. The visit itself went off peacefully, that is without anyone being arrested or any violence-taking place. In fact there had been no ‘public order’ incident of any description at any Khoodeelaar! Campaign action events held during the four years one month that had passed [up to Wednesday 20 February 2008] since the campaign against the `CrossRail hole plot against the east end of London’ had been established. The Khoodeelaar! Activities have always been conducted with complete legality and adherence with the rules affecting ‘public order’ events and as prescribed by the metropolitan police. this has been so because it is one of the Khoodeelaar! Campaigns’ voluntarily devised methods of action that everything would be done by duly and transparently complying with the law and constitutionality. there never has been any need for any police intervention in any of the Khoodeelaar! Street or other actions. The question therefore arises why did the metropolitan police decide to issue the threat of invoking public order law and powers to prevent the Khoodeelaar! Campaign making the necessary statements and speeches and the ‘musical noise’ while certain member s of the legislative House of Lords were present in the Hanbury Street? Was the Metropolitan Police under orders from Ken Livingstone – the Crossrail hole plot-backer Big Business tout who is on friendly terms with the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police? BACKROUND commentary from the Richard Ingrams column as carried by the Independent on Sunday 27 January 2008: [Quoting] Richard Ingrams' week: ken's curious friendship with top brass at the yard as published n the web site of the independent London uk on Saturday, 26 January 2008 [and in the print editions of the ‘independent on Sunday’ dated Sunday 27 January 2008] [TO be continued] [Quoting] Richard Ingrams' week: ken's curious friendship with top brass at the yard as published n the web site of the independent London uk on Saturday, 26 January 2008 [and in the print editions of the ‘ independent on Sunday’ dated Sunday 27 January 2008] The sight of thousands of police marching through the streets of London in funny white hats in support of their pay claim had a dramatic effect on mps. The Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, immediately adopted a more conciliatory approach to their demands, while mps of all parties began to register doubts about their own extravagant pay claims. It wouldn’t look good, would it, if they gave themselves a big rise while simultaneously giving coppers the thumbs down? Politicians have always been reluctant to antagonise police officers, which partly explains the poor state of the force today. The reason is that many mps are scared of the police and the information they may have in their files. For it is a well-known fact that the police supply newspapers with stories in exchange for large sums of money. One of the more curious alliances of modern times is that between "Red" Ken Livingstone and the head of the Metropolitan Police Service, Sir Ian Blair. There was a general call from people of all parties for Sir Ian to resign following the full revelations about the shooting of the innocent Brazilian electrician Jean Charles de Menezes at Stockwell Tube station. Even the shadow Home Secretary David Davis joined the chorus calling for Blair to go. But what of Red Ken, the friend of Muslim extremists, of Gerry Adams and Hugo Chavez? To the surprise of many on the left-wing, Mr Livingstone gave his 100 per cent support to the beleaguered commissioner, urging him to defy the protests and stay at his post. With the knives now out and allegations of corruption being levelled against some of his aides, the London mayor must feel grateful that, whatever happens, he has a good friend at Scotland Yard. [unquoting] Richard Ingrams' week: ken's curious friendship with top brass at the yard as published n the web site of the independent London uk on Saturday, 26 January 2008 [and in the print editions of the ‘ independent on Sunday’ dated Sunday 27 January 2008] The 4th Edition of the day of the AADHIKARonline London UK was updated at 0715 Hrs GMT Thursday February 2008 Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill CAMPAIGN has first, ‘informal’ ‘contact’ with a number of the ‘legislative House of Lords’ in the Hanbury Street! This happened yesterday, Wednesday 20 February 2008 when a group of the legislative 'House of Lords' members arrived in the East End of London to take a look at some of the Crossrail hole-plot targets. Full reports will begin to appear on this web site and on associated web sites starting at 1400| Hrs GMT today. Early summaries can be viewed from 1200 Hrs GMT onwards on the associated web sites supporting the Khoodeelaar! ‘No to Crossrail hole Bill’ Campaign including www.khoodeelaar.wordpress.comCLICK HERE for the LATEST KHOODEELAAR! No to the “Crossrail hole plot [=’the hybrid’ ‘Crossrail Bill’ in the UK Parliament]” campaign action news, updates, announcements and campaign materials, references, dissections and analyses Also to view the latest KHOODEELAAR! Constitutional law and evidential documents and materials. These are being published as part of the formal and actual factual KHOODEELAAR! Objections presented [on 30 January 2008] to the UK ‘legislative’ ‘House of Lords’ ‘Crossrail Bill’ ‘SELECT COMMITTEE’. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why did the Metropolitan Police interrupt the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against Crossrail hole plot ‘music’? And what exactly, was the ‘music’ that the Metropolitan Police did not want the ‘visiting members of the legislative House of Lords’ to be entertained to while they walked along the Hanbury Street yards from the site of a Crossrail hole ? And where was the ‘leader’ of the ‘local’ Council Denise Jones? Was she at the Brady Centre? Was she at Whitechapel? What did the ‘visiting’ members of the ‘legislative House of Lords’ in the UK parliament make of what they heard against the Crossrail hole plot from the people who spoke to them during the visit on Wednesday? What are the Khoodeelaar! Demands, as updated Khoodeelaar! List of demands for the legislative House of Lords to implement Khoodeelaar|! No to Crossrail hole Bill CAMPAIGN commentary on the morass in which the ‘local press’ has been on the matter of the defence of the community against sell out, failures, falsification and betrayals to the Crossrail agenda pushers We exclusively publish the latest evidence of how Crossrail hole plot-tout Ken Livingstone 'accepted' as the key tout by Big Business interests... We examine that evidence by referring to a New York based news outfit that has overly promoted Livingstone whenever the Crossrail hole plot has been a relevant 'news' topic. The New York based Big Business 'in-house news outlet' one Bloomberg via its Bechtel-friendly reporter Brian Lysaght has IN effect confirmed what Khoodeelaar! Had been saying for years - that the ‘red Ken’ is indeed politically a very sad ken. In that he is desperate to cling on to office and that eh would do anything to do so.. And that Livingstone’s record of lying for the London Crossrail hole plot is a most damaging violation of the basic principles that people voting at local and regional electors still believe is sacrosanct….… .[ The trust on key issues about democratic representation… … .[and how Ken Livingstone exhibits his immorality daily… .[To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUHAMMAD HAQUE daily political commentary focussing on the dire state of undemocracy that is being perpetrated in London by Ken Livingstone who has achieved [’his record’ as boastfully peddled in the past 3 weeks by the Financial Times, 'the FT', the NewSS {‘New Statesman and Society’ back again to ‘New Statesman’ = ‘Staggers’} and the ‘Morning Scar’ {CPGB =’Communist Party of Great Britain’}] more erosions of rights and representations and has undermined and weakened more local peoples rights than has been done by any other holder of public office in living memory in London. This is the contextual commentary on Livingstone’s attacks on the East End of London under the guise of the 'Crossrail hole plot'. Livingstone has touted for Big Business more loyally and extensively because of his guise as a ‘red’. He is more servile to the Rightwing agenda than can be listed. That is why the City of London ‘enjoy’ his fantastic trips [!!!!] To Venezuela… and other exotic locations in his fantasy. The City of London know on Livingstone’s record that he will serve their interests on Crossrail… 1200 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 20 February 2008 Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Bethnal Green South and Stepney, London E1 area, UK, campaign against Big Business Crossrail hole plot against the East End of London [as contained in the current ‘Crossrail Bill’ in the ‘legislative’ ‘House of Lords’]. Khoodeelaar! Campaign incorporates the relevant action programme created by the London Community Audit Network [LCAN] , which had been founded years before even the notion of as ‘Tony Bliar’ ‘ London Assembly”] [the so-called London Assembly has been the pretext allowed by Tony Bliar for the perpetuation of the lying ego and the fragile personality of the power-grabbing Ken Livingstone as the “undone mayor”]’ was anywhere in the Blair project for the further destruction of the ‘fabric of local democracy’ across London [both in the ‘suburban’=’greater’ London and in the inner city areas including the East London borough called Tower Hamlets]…. The LCAN had been established as the democratic audit resource and forum for evidential, constitutional campaign action in defence of the communities across inner city London. LCAN’s has made the findings available and public specially to support the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the `CrossRail hole agenda. Those findings pre-date the creation [or rather the fabrication] of the corrupting office of a ‘mayor’ in the name AND AT Multi-Billion pound EXPENSE of London and the LCAN accurately predict the widespread undermining of [the already very limited state and expression of] local democracy by Ken Livingstone that is only just now beginning to be ‘spotted’ !!!! And recorded in the ‘mainstream’ and the very RACIST British media. What is the relevance of the ‘RACIST’ media here? The relevance is that ALL three of the ‘partners’ in the current propaganda for Ken Livingstone and Lee Jasper [etc and et al] are in their own ways reinforcing racism an denying the existence of racism in the media. The partners’ are Ken Livingstone himself and his entourage, Gilligan and his co-careerists and Lee Jasper and his mates fur the time being. MORE on that saga will be revealed and examined here in the next few days.. Back to today’s’ commentary [Wednesday 20 February 2008] That RACIST media has BACKED the liar Livingstone all along. It continues to do so. And it is doing this in a way that is very typical of what the over-stated Andrew Gilligan ‘contribution’ has been so far [1220 GMT Wednesday 20 February 2008]. The unfathomably ignorant ANDREW GILLIGIGAN KEEPS exhibiting his own racist ignorance and contempt by making confusing and very confused references to Lee Jasper and Ken Livingstone. LE the assault against the East End of London that Ken Livingstone has been participating in is primarily an assault against the people across the eastern 'inner cities' London. That is where the demographic target of the Big busies take-over programme is. And the timing of the assault is also notable for its ‘coincidentality’ with the lying Ken Livingstone's careeristic grabbing bids. As is daily seen now in the ignorant, the inaccurate, the irresponsible, the callous, the fabricatory and the quite petty agenda of the ITV London news slot – which has been making ever brazen propaganda broadcasts for boosting the agenda of the corrupter of London. ITV London slot has now given Livingstone so many daily 'positive exposures' using some of the must tenuous 'pegs' [= that is, 'newsworthy topics' which points to a decision by ITV London or even by Michael Grade 'itself' [ yes,. Michael Grade 'itself'] that Livingstone can be peddled as if he has now 'transformed' [or as the new trendy word is ‘morphed’!] Beyond being just the embattled occupant in the post of mayor at the expense of London but that the Lyingstill Ken Livingstone is now the ‘universally applicable’ ‘image ‘ that answers every conceivable social, economic, environmental, problem that can be said to face the people of London’! This sick-making entente between the con-man Ken Livingstone and the so-called ‘independent’ TV station 'in the name of London' and as the alleged terrestrial 'mainstream' local TV alternative to the BBC is connected with the desperate schemes by BOTH to mislead viewers into believing them BOTH [ITV London and Ken Livingstone]. This is a worse situation than had existed before the Channel 4 dispatches stunt by Martin Bright in January 2008 [To be continued] Just how historic is the campaign that is now lodged with the upper chamber of the UK Parliament! Ordinary peoples’ demands are set to be heard in the House of lords in a way that has not happened in a long while…. Hundreds of East London families, individuals, small traders and businesses back the Khoodeelaar! Representation of opposition to the CRASSRail hole Bill now in the UK House of Lords – details during this week on this site and associated web sites. Related external web sites and blog publishers to AADHIKARonline include www.aadhikar.com www.cbruk.com www.khoodeelaar.com www.khoodeelaar.wordpress.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://povertyofgordonbrownandhisvahloos.blogspot.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE for the LATEST KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole plot campaign action news and info. Also to view the latest KHOODEELAAR! Constitutional law and evidential documents and materials. These are being published as part of the formal KHOODEELAAR! Objections presented to the UK House of Lords ‘Crossrail Bill’ ‘SELECT COMMITTEE’. In case you cannot get access by hypertext from here, log on to khoodeelaar.wordpress.com for the texts in full of the key objections against the ‘Crossrail Bill’ by Khoodeelaar! And the Khoodeelaar! Constitutional law commentary against the present CrossRail Bill [currently in the UK Parliamentary House of Lords- as different from the ‘Judicial House of Lords’] ] The Khoodeelaar! Objections have been formally submitted on Wednesday [30 January 2008] and will be followed by updates and contextual reports on this and related web sites carrying materials from the considered campaign against the Crossrail hole plot…. Also on this web site we shall be posting KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole Bill CAMPAIGN information and commentary regarding the overall social, economic, environmental, cultural, historic, political, legal and constitutional settings, backgrounds and evidence as part of the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign in defence of the East End of London community against the Big Business Crossrail hole plot.. All materials as published by AADHIKAR MEDIA FOUNDATION here [except those that we occasionally refer to and quote from external sources - the sources are clearly identified and their authorship/s is/are acknowledged] are originally conceived, researched, written and Edited. The fact that they are published for 'free' access via the internet must not be confused with their being legally and ethical and moray unprotected. The materials are NOT to be reprinted or re-published in any form except [and only] with the full legal and IPR statements as published by the AADHIKAR Media Foundation and the Editor being also included in full. For legal, intellectual property rights permission and licence and details, send your request in full initially in an e-mail to aadhikarlaw@yahoo.co.uk This should be done before any assumption of consent, permission or agreement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 11th Edition of the day of the AADHIKARonline London UK was updated at 1220 Hrs GMT Wednesday 20 February 200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This web site is being brought to you by AADHIKAR Media Foundation supporting Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Stepney, London E1 area, UK, CAMPAIGN against the Big Business-dictated Crossrail hole plot [as contained in the current ‘Crossrail Bill’ in the UK ‘House of Lords’ the ‘upper chamber’ of the UK Parliament] against the East End of London. [More info later] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By©Muhammad Haque 0020 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 19 February 2008 Ken Livingstone has again lied. The lie this time is that he is concerned about ‘evidence’ ! What a brazenly insane egotist and opportunist Ken Livingstone is. He said in the latest stunt [Monday 18 February 2008] over Heathrow Third runaway plan that there was no evidence to support the claim that a Third Runway at Heathrow would be economically necessary! This reference to the two words ‘evidence’ and ‘economics’ is outrageous coming from the lying Ken Livingstone. He has been deaf to the two words when used by objectors to the Crossrail hole plot. For years, we have demanded that Livingstone produce Evidence to support his claim that the CRASSRail hole plot was ‘economically’ ‘vital’. And for years, the lying Livingstone has pretended that we have not been asking the question! And for years he has been doing for Crossrail EXACTLY what the promoters of the Third Runway at Heathrow have been doing! [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is Ken Livingstone going to be allowed to stay in the post by daily lying ? This question arises from the latest lying by Ken Livingstone via the media, as paraded during the day today [Monday 18 February 2008] over the alleged opposition to a Third Runway at Heathrow airport. [More on this and other Ken Livingstone lies, here during this week] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Khoodeelaar! Constitutional law action against the Crossrail hole plot Bill - continuing the updates on the grounds for and the evidence in support of the Khoodeelaar! Formal objections against the ‘CrossRail Bill’ as put [on 30 January 2008] to the ‘CrossRail Bill Select Committee’ in the UK House of Lords – more here shortly -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By©Muhammad Haque 1340 Hrs GMT London Saturday 16 February 2008 Khoodeelaar! Constitutional law action against the Crossrail hole plot Bill - continuing the updates on the grounds for and the evidence in support of the Khoodeelaar! Formal objections against the ‘CrossRail Bill’ as put [on 30 January 2008] to the ‘CrossRail Bill Select Committee’ in the UK House of Lords One of the most detailed aspects of our constitutional law Action against the ‘Crossrail Bill’ has been the role played by the controlling clique on the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council. Our action has been going on now for more than 4 years. In that time, the Khoodeelaar! Campaign has identified and addressed the main features and the purpose of the behaviour of the controlling clique on the ‘local Tower Hamlets Council’. The evidence has been clear beyond doubt. The evidence remains consistent with our characterisation of the ‘role’ as played by the controlling clique. That role has been a dishonest one. A false one. A misleading role. And an unconstitutional one. An anti-democratic role. Our devising of the phrase ‘controlling clique’ is part of a Khoodeelaar! Vocabulary that also includes the phrase ‘the controlling clique in Tower Hamlets Council’, has resulted directly from our voluntarily employed constitutional efforts over the years to get the ‘local Council’ to represent the community as against attacks such as those contained in and entailed by the ‘Crossrail Bill’. .The controlling clique has been persistently dishonest. And this despite the fact that on a regular basis, we have given them advice that if heeded would have by now produced a just and rational solution to the problems that the community will be caused by ‘Crossrail hole plot’. The problems will be caused because the controlling clique on the Council is made up of elements that are at once deeply ignorant and also immoral. In their actions. This is why they do not realise that it is wrong to tell lies. Their lying is manifest in the facts of their statements as made about the CrossRail hole threat to the East End of London. Khoodeelaar! Made two formal presentations to the so-called full Council [on 9 September 2007 and 28 November 2007]. On both those occasions, we drew the attention of the ‘formally sitting council’ to the fact that the Council had the duty to oppose the Crossrail hole plot. We did so for the records. And we did so by strictly following the procedures including by keeping ourselves within the few minutes in total that the Council allowed for the presentation. We relied on the ‘Council administration’ writing to tell us that they would give their full response to our representations with a number of days. We have not received replies to the questions that we have raised. So what is new? Nothing. This Council is made up of ‘leading’ members and ‘officers’ who are liars. And this culture of lies and lying is the root of the CrossRail hole plot against the East End of London. As everything else detrimental to the people in the Borough that is traceable to and is committed by the present clique and their ‘administration’ on the Tower Hamlets Council.. Every aspect of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the Crossrail hole-inviting role by Tower Hamlets Council so far shows that the controlling clique has lied. Or concealed. Or fabricated. As we have been publishing in our comments and reports. The controlling clique’s frontline ‘Crossrail hole inviter’ employee is Mr Owen Whalley. He has been totally unreliable and misleading. We have issued at least four separate notices on him that we would include him as a defendant in the court action that we would take on the Council’s wrongful conduct about the Crossrail hole Bill. THIS reference is exceptional. The Khoodeelaar! Code of conduct is that we do not normally name employees of the Council – or indeed of the UK central Govt. We have made the exception about Owen Whalley because of the burden of responsibility that he has been allowed to carry in INVITING the Crossrail hole attacks on the East End and also because of the quite openly defiant way that he has been making untrue statements about his role. We are going to add [after 1400 Hrs on Monday 18 February 2008] another name to the list of Council employees who has been allegedly in place to deal with all the outstanding questions, criticism and queries from the Khoodeelaar! Campaign regarding the Crossrail hole-inviting role by the Tower Hamlets Council. [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 15 February 2008 so why did ken Livingstone stage this stunt of ‘referring lee jasper” to the police? if it is the fact that lee jasper himself took the initiative e and asked ken Livingstone to call the police in to investigate the allegations against himself [jasper] then doesn’t this expose the both of them [Jasper and Livingstone] as being incredibly brazen as seen in the context of the alleged explanations that Livingstone was allowed to mouth via the BBC London? and does this remind observers of what Richard Ingrams [of the ‘Oldie’ but mainly known for his funding association with ‘Private Eye’] ,. Writing a few weeks ago in the Blaired 'observer' [now almost totally Guardian-ised, except for bits like those that are contributed by Ingrams, et al] , wondered about ken Livingstone’s ‘strange friendship with the police commissioner’? other questions Why has the NEW STATESMAN web site lied for Livingstone – or has allowed a lie for Livingstone to be published immediately below the anti-Ken Livingstone statement by Khoodeelaar! ? Breaking news and reports against Crossrail hole plot-imposer Ken Livingstone Action against Crossrail hole Bill announcements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no local demand for a Whitechapel CrossRail hole/s station we the undersigned businessmen and women and traders and small business persons on the Whitechapel Road London E1 and the undersigned customers who depend for our economic, community and life on the present Whitechapel Road community market and the businesses are very concerned at the proposals for the Crossrail hole plan that, if allowed by the UK Parliament the legislative go-ahead, will seriously adversely affect us and our families in this part of the East London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Many of us will lose what we have built after lifetimes of struggle against odds of all kinds. The devastation and dislocation contained in the CrossRail hole plan will make many of us practically destitute. We support the written and the published representations made against these Crossrail hole Bill proposals to the prompter [the UK Department for Transport] over the past furs years and during 2006 and in the formal objections ['petitions' as represented in principle in the formal document put to the 'House of Lords’ on 30 January 2008] to the UK parliament by Khoodeelaar! The campaign against the CrossRail hole Bill. We support the campaign against the CrossRail hole Bill. We support the Khoodeelaar! Campaign’s call to the UK Parliament to scrap the present CrossRail Bill and to ask the UK Govt in the context of our opposition to the CrossRail hole Bill, to take into actual, active and transparent account the genuine transport and the economic, environmental needs, preferences and priorities of the people in the Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Stepney and Bethnal Green in the East End of London including those of the people in and of the other communities and ordinary parts of London. We support this way forward rather than accepting an imposed plan such as the present CrossRail hole plan which has not been designed for meeting the needs of people of, in and from the East End of London or in any demonstrable response to the ordinary economic, community life in the East End of London. We strongly support the Khoodeelaar! Campaign demand that the local Tower Hamlets Council recognises the needs of the community businesses, traders and customers and those of the community in the Brick Lane, Whitechapel Stepney and Bethnal Green area and to represent the truth of our needs and meet those needs instead of following the agenda of Big Business. We confirm that in our view and knowledge the existing transport facilities linking Whitechapel and the rest of the London E1 area with other parts of London is adequate and that we do not have any need for a superfluous structure to be imposed here. We oppose the imposition of noise, pollution, disruption, dislocation and devastation that Crossrail hole plan will cause to us and we will continue to support the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against attacks by Crossrail and the agenda that is behind the CrossRail hole plan. We call on the UK Parliament and the UK Govt to stop the Crossrail hole plans that will make the East End of London even more deprived than it already is. We say STOP MAKING THE EAST END OF LONDON poorer. SCRAP THE CROSSRAIL hole attacks agenda. SCRAP the CROSSRAIL hole plan NOW! There is no demand from local people in Whitechapel for a CrossRail hole station there. As Khoodeelaar! Has shown over the past four years, the promoters of the CrossRail hole plot agenda wanted to abuse the ‘plight’ of the institutionally and policy-deprived ‘east end of London’ to make just under one thousand million pounds [at 2004-2005 prices] for big business by plotting the CrossRail alignment in a way that it would go through Whitechapel. The ‘benefits’ would accrue to big business, in Canary Wharf and so on. Not to the local people in Whitechapel. The same tactic of using the ‘deprived local community’ to make apparently ‘beneficial’ words and promises, has been used for centuries by profit-grabbing, big business looters of the local economies all over the place. ‘Here’ and ‘abroad’. Just as the pushers and touts of the present CrossRail hole plot have duped some usable institutionalised ‘ local council-heads’ in south London via the ‘local council’ there, to peddle their Crossrail hole plotter line. But ordinary people got to see through the scam and started to make loud noise. Result is that the private housing business promoter has changed tack in order to keep the CrossRail hole station [in south London] included in the scam… To view the latest [Thursday 14 February 2008] evidence of crass conduct by the CRASSRail-pluggers property speculators and property business in South London, click here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- London 0115 Hrs GMT Tuesday 12 February 2008 The Muhammad Haque daily constitutional law commentary about the UK’s Parliament and how a ‘local’ ‘campaign’ may make historic contribution towards conferring on the Upper chamber of the 'British' parliament a status that that platform usually does not receive. Or deserve Is the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill [‘the hybrid’ ‘Crossrail Bill’ now in the formal second chamber or the upper chamber of the UK parliament also known as the ‘legislative’ House of Lords’ – about to make history in a way and in an arena that is not usually associated in Britain with ‘campaigns’? Why do I say this? I say this because the ‘legislative’ ‘House of Lords’ is often treated with disdain. And it comes scarcely from any contemporary fans of Oliver Cromwell! [Another history note: Cromwell had altogether abolished the House of Lords as well as the Monarchy!] The disdain is associated with the lack of evidence of the House of Lords legislative conduct that is critical of the UK executive of the day. This is why even the otherwise plaint, amoral, opportunistic, ill-read 'media' commentators themselves find it easy to rubbish the ‘House of Peers’. The ONLY times when that House is not derided is when it makes what is universally demonstrable as a genuinely independent assertion of almost truthful views, comments and statements. This is about to happen, theoretically speaking, over the ‘Upper House’s formal consideration of the Crassrail Bill and the attendant package. How? To start with, the ‘Legislative’ House of Lords – whose ‘affirmation and approval of the Crossrail Bill’ has already been announced in advance by Tom Harris, one of the small time ‘ministers’ now fronting the propaganda from the UK Department for Transport. Harris is not his own voice. He gives voice to the agenda set for Gordon Brown’s regime by Big Business. And Harris would be familiar with Douglas Alexander’s previous colleague who is now installed as the lobbyist in chief for Bechtel, the USA conglomerate that is in fact pushing for the CRASSRail hole plot via the UK Government. So far, CRASSRail has been pushed through the UK House of Commons as if that House were the parliamentary front of an 'authoritarian, unelected, undemocratic unaccountable dictatorship' somewhere in a far away continent. Far away from the allegedly accountable and the even more incredibly described elected democratic system of which the House of Commons and the House of Lords are said to be the MOTHER OF !!!!![To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just how historic is the campaign that is now lodged with the upper chamber of the UK Parliament! Ordinary peoples’ demands are set to be heard in the House of lords in a way that has not happened in a long while…. Hundreds of East London families, individuals, small traders and businesses back the Khoodeelaar! Representation of opposition to the CRASSRail hole Bill now in the UK House of Lords – details during this week on this site and associated web sites. The Muhammad Haque ethical commentary on the rampant immorality of holders of office in the publicly paid for and maintained ‘offices’ across the Gordon Browned Britain - as is shown in the continuing tolerance and the [ in effect] encouragement of the corruption and abuse by the ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone. The de-moralisation of society in Britain is not an exception. It is the norm. No, it is the violently propagated and promoted and backed ‘norm’. There is no trace of ANY moral values whatever in the behaviour of the corrupters so far caught at it…… And no evidence of Gordon Brown’s ability to understand that his emphasis on ‘British vah-loos’ is wrong on very level…… 1130 Hrs GMT London Sunday 10 February 2008 The Friday [8 February 2008] editions of the London ‘EVENING STANDARD’ carried another ‘editorial’ piece apparently concerning ken Livingstone, over Livingstone’s failures in relation to the abuses of the London development agency’s cash. Today [Sunday 10 February 2008] the ‘independent on Sunday’ has published a piece on its web site by-lined to Andrew Grice who is aping the lying line that ‘London business’ ‘community’ is ‘still backing’ the Lyingstill Livingstone. Grice does not say ‘Lyingstill’. Nor does he imply it. He cannot even imagine that Livingstone is a liar. No, Andrew Grice can’t even imagine that Livingstone could be a liar. Yet Livingstone is. Has been for decades. Yet the media has NEVER identified Livingstone as the habitual, persistent fabricator, fantasist and liar that he has been. Why? Because the’ British’ media – or rather the ‘reporters and writers and broadcasters concerned have been in one way or another themselves liars and concerned with making links and making personal gains. They have not looked for the truth. This is possible in Britain where the media trades in lies and lying. Today’s ‘Sunday press’ is dominated by Heather Mills[-McCartney]. Apart from Rowan Williams. ON both issues, the Sunday press is lying. Peddling lies. The News of the Scum [aka ‘News of the World’] carries the alleged details of Heather having had a secret lover for six months while dating Paul McCartney. Yet the Mail on Sunday carries a different set of facts’ about the battling ‘couple’. BOTH sets of facts are due to be denied, condemned, rebutted and challenged in the days, months and even years to come. But that is what is going to be written in the ‘presses of the coming days. The problem with the likes of the alleged mainstream media in Britain [as well as the ‘mainstream British media’ = now there is a pause for thoughtful conceptual and theoretical discrimination in the sense of making distinctions] as typified by the EVENING STANDARD -‘which I have long described as ‘no standards’ standard, and the very dependent ‘independent on Sunday’ is that they are traders in lies. They are not reporters of truth. Let alone searchers for the truth. That is why, it is such a significant event whenever they do almost tell the truth. As, in this context of examining Ken Livingstone’s conduct and career, happened on 5 December 2007 when the ‘EVENING’ ‘NO STANDARDS’ ‘STANDARD’ carried, or began to publish what then became a series of reports by-lined to Andrew Gilligan about the Ken Lyingstill Livingstone’s entourage. The word entourage is vital here. I first used that word in the context of the ‘current’ [5 December 2007 to 10 January 2008] and historic acknowledgement that Livingstone has been lying, in the comment I published including on the internet within hours of the first publication by the “EVENING ‘no standards’ Standard” of the allegations of financial wrongdoing via the LDA. I say ‘entourage’ rather than ‘Lee Jasper’ [or ‘Kumar Murshid’ or indeed ‘Diane Abbott’ ‘MP’!!!! – to name only three of Ken Livingstone’s ‘ethnicity-linked’ advisers and backers] because in my view and on the facts, Ken Livingstone is the main decision-maker where he appoints or recruits or uses any of the ‘advisers’. If there is wrongdoing then the first and the main perpetrator in that wrongdoing is Livingstone himself.. It was his choice, in each case. He chose who his adviser would be on what subject and with what remit. Unless he can show that it wasn’t him who devised the brief and made the decisive decision on each occasion that an adviser was looked for, recruited and installed. In which case he will have to quit office [the post of mayor he occupies at the expense of the people of London] faster than he thinks he needs to. If there ever had been someone else that made the official decision as to who Livingstone’s adviser on anything was then Livingstone must name that other person or persons and the burden and the liability will accordingly be reviewed and if need be shifted. If the incontrovertible evidence shows that it was someone else other than Ken Livingstone then that will not produce much for Livingstone to celebrate. It will only show that Livingstone has been DOUBLY lying all these 8 years or more. Either way, Livingstone cannot get out of it. It has been 40 years plus that he has fabricated. It is time he accounted for lying for so long. The evidence so far recognised and printed in and via the ‘mainstream ‘media’ about Ken Livingstone’s abuses of his powers as mayor [ill-advisedly and wrongfully given to him by Tony Blair] at the expense of the people of London proves beyond doubt what should have been realised long ago. That Ken Livingstone is not fit for the responsibilities that go with the powers and the budget that has been given to the holder of the post of Mayor of London is clear. So who is it that is still pushing for Livingstone to be allowed to stay in that post? As is clear from the very long piece as carried today [Sunday 10 February 2008] on the Intendment on Sunday [and the ‘Independent’] web site? [To be continued] 0815 HRS GMT LONDON SUNDAY 10 FEBRUARY 2008: KHOODEELAAR! NO TO ‘CROSSRAIL HOLE BILL’ [THE ‘HYBRID’ ‘CROSSRAIL BILL’ NOW IN THE UK PARLIAMENT – THE ‘HOUSE OF LORDS’] – KHOODEELAAR! ORGANISER MUHAMMAD HAQUE CONTINUING TO UPDATE ON THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OBJECTIONS FORMALLY PUT BY KHOODEELAAR! TO THE ‘UPPER HOUSE’ [‘THE HOUSE OF LORDS’] OF THE UK PARLIAMENT WHERE THE ‘CROSSRAIL BILL’ NOW IS. EXTRACTS: For compliance with the uk’s constitutional obligations under the international treaties concerned [which in substance refers here to the western European treaties], there has got to be an atmosphere ‘in parliament’ that is conducive to such compliance. Is there such an atmosphere? Not really. That is why successive uk regimes [‘administrations’] have played contradictory roles. And this is most acutely clear in the uk government’s practical defiance of the treaties that on paper it subscribes to. This is most persistently noticeable in relation to the 1950 human rights treaty and the uk’s subscription to it. Although there is a ‘human rights act 1998’ in the ‘uk’s statute book’, the status of this act is assigned to the lowest possible level. Just like the ‘race relations acts’ [1976 and 2000]. This is as telling a confirmation of the corruption of the uk parliament and government to be found in any documentary form. Because both the human rights act and the race relations acts are routinely flouted by the government. And not in secret. Just to make this point, there is a naked culture of illegality on parade when it comes to the uk’s treatment of apparently civilising legislation. And this naked illegality attaches most immediately to the person of jack straw! The man of straw is supposed top be the uk ‘s ‘justice minister’ or rather Gordon brown’s cabinet fronter in the name of ‘justice;. And the artificiality of jack straw comes across overtime he is able to utter idiocies, illegalities, inconsistencies and contradictions against the human rights legislation Why is jack straw central as a character to illustrate this unconstitutional propensities on the part of the uk government? The first aspect of the answer is: it was jack straw that is on paper the man who ‘steered’ the process leading to the then Blair regime passing what is now the 1998 human rights act. Every time the man of straw says something about the human rights act, he says something to undermine, question and even disown the existing Human Rights Act and to condemn the need for proper human rights legislation in this country. [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot CAMPAIGN examining, during this weekend, starting at 1500 Hrs GMT today the contents of the formal objections put before the UK Parliament [the ‘upper chamber’ caked the ‘House of lords’], starting here with the formal documents as put by Khoodeelaar! Spitalfields Small Business Association Other objections from otter parts of London Breaking news and campaign against Crossrail hole Bill announcements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1210 HRS GMT LONDON FRIDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2008: KHOODEELAAR! NO TO 'CROSSRAIL BILL' - updating the evidence, the context and the background to the formal objections by KHOODEELAAR! As put to the UK 'HOUSE OF LORDS' on 30 January 2008: One of the key objections is that the way that the London CrossRail hole scheme has been promoted, the propaganda for CrossRail, has been based on a series of lies by its fronter, the peddler in chief ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone KHOODEELAAR! NO TO 'CROSSRAIL BILL' - updating the evidence, the context and the background to the formal objections by KHOODEELAAR! As put to the UK 'HOUSE OF LORDS' on 30 January 2008: One of the key objections is that the way that the London CrossRail schema has been promoted, the propaganda for CrossRail, has been based on a series of lies. Those lies lie at the centre of the crassly conceived CROSSRAIL scheme. Not only have the lies been conceived of and perpetrated by callously, irresponsibly and unconstitutionally deciding to enable significant sums [like £Billions] of public money to become available for exploitation and pocketing by BIG BUSINESS conglomerates operating in 'major construction and related fields. But the lies have been adopted also as slogans that been foisted on the forums and via the media to replace hard facts and verifiable, objective and independent evidence. This strategy of lying and lies runs through the entire CrossRail programme. …. One of the most serious has been Livingstone’s racistly contrived attack on the Scots for ‘taking money away from London…’. This anti-Scots, Ken Livingstone-lie has been part of the propaganda packaged in the peddling for the ‘London CrossRail’. Livingstone has been aided and abetted in this giant fabrication by the city of London and their chief fabricator Michael Snyder. Others who have perpetrated aspects of that Livingstone lie have included the so-called railway expert ‘journalist’ [and available for hire] Christian Wolmer and the corrupt ‘academic’ [!!!!] Tony Travers doing his side business from the address provided at the London school of economics. Despite being authoritatively told almost 20 years ago that Travers was a proven faker, the BBC keeps routinely giving Travers broadcast spots to appear as if he knows what he talks about in relation to London or that he has any integrity whatever. In the anti-Scots/Scottish propaganda, allegedly justified by Livingstone, Snyder et al by their assertion that ‘the London money that was being given to Scotland should be spent in London’ they then went on to cite CrossRail As the ‘perfect thing that would solve all the problems’ that London faced… They flaunted Crossrail as a mantra. Fanatically, callously. Unconstitutionally. [To be continued] Earlier on Friday 8 February 2008: Livingstone is lying. Still! That is why I gave him the description Lyingstill Livingstone. He lied again on Thursday 7 February 2008. And he was not challenged by any of the ‘reporters’ or ‘editorial writers’ that were in the vicinity of the platform where Livingstone sat making those untruthful, and lying claims! His lying is getting even more desperate than had been the case before. He has got used to lying on the assumption that no matter how brazen, he will get away with it. He has tricks that other people don’t have. That is what he ‘thinks’. It is quite possible that events will prove Ken Livingstone to have been additionally hampered by a propensity to perennial fantasy. Fantasising that he is a world statesman of a kind that in reality does not exist may yet be his final undoing. As far as his career at the expense of the public is concerned that is. Even if some credible traces could be found [on a theoretical bias] of there having been a world statesman somewhere remotely resembling that which Livingstone has pretended himself to be, the image would not stand the test of the millions of questions that must be immediately answered by any such ‘personality’ as proof hat they were real and were morally sustainable. Ken Livingstone could not even answer the first question. That question would be: Have you ever in the 40 years of your career at the expense of the people in London come across a single person, of the types that must of your personalised current entourage are, who would ‘risk their all to back you’ without their having been either aware of or influenced by a major publicly paid for office held by you that did not bring with it the 'institutionalised power' to make grants or the permission fur your being able to make money-related and grant-making decisions, de facto, ones that can be compared with the grants [and the accompanying ‘preferments’] that you have been making from the ‘mayor of London’s establishment’ or from the former greater London council’? Livingstone has been a corrupting influence in London. The answer to the corruption that he has been associated with causing in London public life is not just to oust him from public office. The answer is to truthfully and urgently look at the mountains of degeneration that Ken Livingstone has been responsible for causing in the inner city parts of London and then to actively oppose any other holder of similar public office behaving in the corrupting way as well. [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MUHAMMAD HAQUE commentary on Boris Johnson and the stupidity of pretending to oppose something that Johnson has on the evidence so far got no idea about – the ‘deeds and the misdeeds of the incumbent in the office that Johnson allegedly seeks to occupy on 2 May 2008 [the day after the scheduled 1 May 2008 'elections' for the mayor of London and the ‘GLA’[=] ‘Greater London Assembly']’ By©Muhammad Haque 0530 Hrs GMT London Thursday 7 February 2008 If Boris Johnson, currently [or 'still'] the official 'candidate' for the David Ca-Moron Conservative Party for the post of 'mayor of London’ is in fact [!!!] Clever, and clued up and competent, as his apologists and assorted promoters claim him to be then the 'attributes' are staying very deceptively hidden. Boris is NOT coming across as being even moderately competent. Or worse, aware of what the political task in London is about. It is bad enough having to suffer the corruption of London that has been 'achieved' by Ken Livingstone. Is 'Boris Johnson' the 'answer' to the incumbent? Not on the evidence on display so far. Boris most certainly is clueless. And this word, 'clueless' is not one of my preferred indicators of the appropriateness or otherwise of Boris Johnson… . I am using it here in relation to Johnson to echo a representative sample of most accessible commentators observers that so far have expressed shock, disappointment and frustration in various measures about the alleged candidature of Boris Johnson for the post of mayor of London… [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KHOODEELAAR! Manifesto for a democratic, accountable, transparent and relevant ‘elected’ ‘body’ for the people of London- the updater context - How could CRASSRail contrive to cause clueless Boris Johnson sink into the CRASSRail hole of his own making?!!! due here and on the associated web sites backing the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the Crossrail hole plot In London ['the Crossrail hole Bill'] [now In the UK Houses of Parliament as the 'Crossrail Bill'] during Thursday 7 February 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUHAMMAD HAQUE ethical commentary on the poverty of Gordon Brown’s preaching ‘British vah-loos’ when the country has several million people in abject poverty and indignity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2225 HRS GMT London 4 February 2008: KHOODEELAAR! TOLD YOU SO! TO THE ‘CROSSRAIL-BANNED LONDON CYCLISTS’ - KHOODEELAAR! NO TO CROSSRAIL HOLE PLOT [THE ‘CROSSRAIL BILL’ NOW IN THE UK PARLIAMENT – ‘HOUSE OF LORDS’] CAMPAIGN: In the context of the reality of Gordon Brown’s shutting his eyes to x truth about poverty and injustice being caused to millions of ‘British’ people! Gordon Brown’s ‘endorsement’ – however allegedly reluctantly – of and statement of commitment of £billions of public money to the London CRASSRail scam flaunted for big business by Ken Livingstone, shows that Brown does not possess the ethical credibility to claim that he has a moral position that can be distinguished from Tony Blair’s…given that the current ‘CROSSRAIL BILL’ [as at Monday 4 February 2008] is so flawed, given that the main flaws are to be found in the messy, irrational and uneconomic contents of the plan; also the fact that Gordon Brown chose to ignore the key findings of the Eddington report [into the ‘FUTURE OF RAILWAY’ TRANSPORT IN THE UK – a report which Brown himself had commissioned whilst still the uk finance minister] – Eddington advised Brown AGAINST backing Crossrail [as reported by Channel 4 News, more on this source in a later report]. KHOODEELAAR! Is telling Gordon Brown to scrap Crossrail and show that he really des have the intelligence and the wisdom to drop what is crass and go for a reasonable, realistic and a sustainable solution to the transport needs that people of London face. If Brown refuses to pay heed to this and stubbornly defies rationality then it will be his fault and he will have to take the blame when CRASSRail and the crasser consequences of it unravelling around - or behind [if it happens o be the case that he has to flee the powerful post at No 10 Downing street head of schedule -] Brown. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUHAMMAD HAQUE, the organiser of Khoodeelaar! The Campaign against Crossrail hole plot’, posted at 1025 Hrs GMT this morning [Thursday 31 January 2008] the following comment in response to a report carried by the Wimbledon Guardian Your item “New business is unusual in Sutton” by Lisa Williams” contains too many false comparisons. The assumptions underlying those are equally unfounded. What you have stated will be included in the list of inaccuracies and wrong references to 'East London' that we shall be citing in the actual detailed evidence that we are preparing to present to Parliament [at the meeting/s of the UK ‘House of Lords’] ‘CROSSRAIL BILL’ ‘SELECT COMMITTEE’ to be held in probably a matter of weeks What is supposed to be meant by “the next Canary Wharf “ ? The PRESENT Canary Wharf is NOT about “East London”. It never has been. No ‘Canary Wharf’ will ever be. You quote Chris Wood of the Sutton Chamber of Commerce as referring to “East London” as if it did not include Barking and Dagenham [mentioned in the second paragraph where you report the release of some figures by MP Paul Burstow]. Canary Wharf was imposed on and is physically on land that is in ‘East London’ but with plans that came from a very far away place. The distance between the ordinary people and community in the parts of the East London borough of Tower Hamlets that had been populated before Canary Wharf was imposed and the commuter-culture ‘thousands’ who figure in the ‘work force’ that maintains the imposed extension cannot be adequately described in one sentence. The difference represents several centuries of intra-societal discrimination and exploitation. Those are being continued today with the apparently political signboards being exhibited on the geographical ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council. As soon as the immediate surroundings could be treated as sufficiently altered to a state where the ordinary East End people could in effect be pushed further into the social exclusion zones and categories then we have begun to see the appearance, for the first time ever in this part of ‘East London’, of the "appropriate" political representation from the Canary Wharf ‘ward’ [!] On Tower Hamlets Council. Just so that there is no room for assuming that ‘Canary Wharf’ ‘Politics’ is in any way ‘East Loudon people’s democratic or social representation politics’, the personnel manning and womanning the fronting of the ‘Canary Wharf’ political agenda have ALL been drafted in from the suitably Canary Wharf –ite Schools, stables and ideological shires in other places, not ideologically so different from the Sutton that you have in the background of the thoughts applied in your report! These fronters are equally silent about the serious flaws in and of the Crossrail scheme. Just as they are silent on the fact that the 2012 Olympic Games hosting diversion is not going to make any qualitative improvements to the economic or the social entitlements or rights of the ordinary people across ‘East London’. The above summarised statement represents the condition that has existed across East London where STUNTS are being staged by the likes of the current occupant in the post of the mayor of London and their co-careerists and time-servers who have been fabricating a scenario in the name of the ‘East London’ people by projecting the ‘2012 Games’ and Crossrail on to the propaganda platforms suggesting that the two things mean the people in the area will ‘benefit’. This propaganda has been a gigantic and multi-faceted lie. This is why for the past four years Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area Campaign against the CrossRail hole Bill [the hybrid ‘Crossrail Bill’ now in the UK Parliament – the ‘House of Lords’] has been campaigning to put the facts on the record as we as to stop the Crossrail hole attacks on the East End of London. [The KHOODEELAAR! Objections to the ‘Crossrail Bill’, will be detailed in the next parts of these reports and commentaries] Thousands of local people from across the East End of London areas affected by the Crossrail hole plot [the Crossrail Bill’ now in the UK Parliament, the ‘House of Lords’] are supporting the formal putting of the objections by the campaigning organization Khoodeelaar! To the ‘House of Lords’ against the “Crossrail Bill” More on this and on related web sites shortly -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muhammad Haque commentary: NO to Rail PR by excel London By©Muhammad Haque Organiser Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot scam [the ‘Crossrail Bill’ now in the UK Parliament - the ‘House of Lords’] 2235 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 29 January 2008 First comments on and response by KHOODEELAAR! NO to Crossrail hole Plot CAMPAIGN organiser Muhammad Haque to the London UK Times online promotion today Tuesday 29 January 2008 of ‘Vanessa Cotton, the managing director of events at excel London’ which is situated not far from Canary Wharf in the East End of London – on a socially and economically opposite site and position to Whitechapel, Brick Lane and Stepney…. You [the London Times-online] quote Vanessa Cotton, the managing director of events at excel London as saying “… when Crossrail is built, we’ll have our own station.” You don’t quote her on any aspect of the poverty, lack of education, lack of qualification, lack of jobs, lack of adequate housing or income that predominate the lives of tens of thousands in the ’same’ ‘East End’ of London. You could not quote her on any of those even if you wanted to. She would first have to have something truthful, credible, real and journalistically and topically quotable to say on those. To do so would expose her and those setting the agenda for the propaganda blitz around and for Crossrail and the 2012 hosting of the Olympic Games as the fabricators that they are. The ‘East End of London’ is NOT going to benefit from Crossrail. Just as the hosting of the 2012 Olympic Games is not going to make any justifiable difference for the better to the lives and to the prospects of the communities across the affected parts of the East End of London. Ordinary people who are part of the ordinary population. The benefits will go to Big Business and the categories of their colluders who are propelling the fraudulent scheme designed to enable construction conglomerates to relieve the UK public of between 20 Billion and 40 Billion pound sterling [at January 2008 prices] under a wide variety of falsehoods, inventions and untruths. The Crossrail benefits are designed to go to the well-off and the outsiders. To the Big Business and their touts and their agents and their peddlers. The tell tale signs are all transparent in their conduct so far. Not in their words as they would like to utter them. But in their actions. Those actions speak louder than their concealed words of hypocrisy and double lies. The reason why the Crossrail hole plot-backers wanted to have a ‘Crossrail station’ at Whitechapel AT ALL is demonstrably a fake one. It is NOTHING to do with the people of the area. It is to use Whitechapel to reach Canary Wharf. It is ALSO to use the space and the land in this part of the East End so that some Big Business-linked property owners and speculators do not have to give up on their own prize spots of speculative East London land. And it is to use that as a ‘benefit’ in the name of the collective ‘East End of London’ in the touting, stooging role of the Crossrail hole-plot-inviter clique on the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council. A little to the north west of Vanessa’s ‘ excel London ‘ location, life is existed on different paces. And de facto little expectations. Historically and politically, this is how the forces pushing for Crossrail scam [‘scheme’] want it. This is how the Blair regime wanted it. This is how Gordon Brown is set to continue to want it.. Last but not least, this is how the ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone wants it. All of these power-wielding elements and agents behaving in adverse ways against the interest of the people of the Eats End of London want to use the people and the land in the East End of London to make gains by depriving the people. By covering up the structural, the social, the institutional, the organisational denials, deprivations that have been perpetrated and perpetuated in the name of the people against whom these injustices have been operated and are being continued, the plotters, the agencies and the forces pushing for the Crassly conceived Crossrail London scam are laying the foundations for far deeper, far wider social injustice and inequality than can be detected if their propaganda words alone are taken to be their statements of intent or their purpose behind the pernicious plan. [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muhammad Haque daily commentary on the dire need for competence by those who are guaranteed payments and are paid handsomely in public bodies like the local tower hamlets council in the East End of London just how incompetent is the local tower hamlets council? How much public money is misused, abused and wasted because of the incompetence of the personnel in place in that council? [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Muhammad Haque daily world ethical commentary from Gordon Brown’s Britain 2255 Hrs GMT London Sunday 27 January 2008 Channel 4 News ‘Political Awards’, broadcast today [1900 Hrs GMT Sunday 27 January 2008] by the UK TV station Channel 4 It praises a troupe of Ken Livingstone Ethnicity Linked paraders in that broadcast. This broadcast today coincides with the appearance on the internet sites belonging to UK main stream news outlets and publishers and in the associated ‘mainstream British newspapers’ of probably the largest number of derogatory articles EVER pub shed about the ‘Undone mayor” Ken Livingstone himself in one single day.. The contrast is historic. It is far more important than any sporadic item of accidental 'news' that might have been carried in any of the weekday bulletins fronted by Jon SLOW Snow himself. SLOW is one of the corrupt state’s genial-faced perpetrators of pernicious lies. SLOW tells lies in a digested way. So most of the zombified audience. So what on earth was this ‘Operation Black Vote’ ? Typically uninformative beneath a facade of convoluted stage effects and scenes designed to give the additional subliminal messages to the candidates for consolidated brainwashing, Jon SLOW contrived to convey clarity. He feigned affinity with anther manageable display of tokenized yoofs from downtrodden Hackney. And then they had the two-member ensemble from Wales. It had to be from Wales. The itsy bitsy fabrication was not concealed as a semi-politically staged stunt. It was outrageously calmly exhibited in a wanton show of defiance to taste and con sense as a brazen insult of the worst kind. It was lower than the low. And Jon Slow was more shameless than any of the dodgy, shift, untrustworthy, evasive 'news' characters that have featured in any of the editions fronted by him of the Channel 4 News in the allegedly august period of the relevant past ten years… And then they had another politically dead and ethically empty and morality-free body parked in the assemblage of invitees and awardees upon whose features the Channel Four Political Award camera crew kept on focussing at every available excuse…[To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From©Muhammad Haque To Editor in Chief Online.editor@timesonline.co.uk Is it too much to ask Gordon Brown to practise compliance with the rules of constitutionality? Or is Gordon Brown afraid that constitutionality will expose the shallowness, the waste and the unsustainability contained in the unwanted and the damaging schemes he appears intent on pushing through the unaccountably whipped Houses of the UK parliament? The seriously flawed Department for Transport [DfT] is the only UK central Govt department that fell foul of its comprehensive constitutional obligations in a very big way more than 20 years ago. Two decades on, the DfT seems to be being run by the same types of wrong headed, unconstitutional interests that had displayed Govt disregard for constitutional standards that the same Govt otherwise preaches and flaunts. The DfT has been misleading the public and abusing executive influence over a cowed parliament [that is permanently whipped to let big business agenda through without practically any scrutiny] to push thorough a most empty scheme like Crossrail. Those of us opposing the seriously flawed 'Crossrail Bill' [now in the uk house of lords, the upper chamber] have been asking the DfT for the past four years to behave constitutionally. We have found that the Govt is not interested in actually observing its constitutional obligations on transport. This is why we are preparing to mount legal challenges to the DfT [=UK Govt] as soon as the pro-Crossrail Bill-whipped formalities are over in the UK House of lords about the 'Crossrail Bill'. Khoodeelaar! No to ‘Crossrail hole Bill’ CAMPAIGN 0100 Hrs London Sunday 27 January 2008 By©Muhammad Haque 2050 Hrs GMT London Saturday 26 January 2008 Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot [the ‘Crossrail Bill’ as it is currently in the UK ‘House of Lords’ – the ‘upper chamber’ in the UK parliament] CAMPAIGN Manifesto for London 2008 – the next parts due here during this weekend. By©Muhammad Haque 1440 Hrs GMT London Thursday 24 January 2008: After Peter Hain’s resignation, it is not tenable for Gordon Brown to say that his administration is made of only truth-tellers … get Ruth Kelly to tell the truth about the CrossRail hole plot coming here shortly KHOODEELAAR! No to 'Crossrail hole Bill' [the 'Crossrail Bill’ as is in the UK ‘House of Lords’ now] CAMPAIGN - advising Gordon Brown in the hour after Peter Hain's resignation news breaks, that he, Brown should scrap the CRASSRail hole plot Bill in its present form... Khoodeelaar! Defending the community in the East End of London, situated in the ‘London Borough of Tower Hamlets’ which is described by independently active students of in income disparity [=inequality] , social exclusion and discrimination and deprivation in the UK today, as being either one of the or the most deprived inner city area in all of England .. Khoodeelaar! Says to Gordon Brown that he should scrap the attacks on the East End of London and on other counties across London that are still contained in the seriously flawed and wasteful ‘CrossRail Bill’ scheme– in the wake of the announcement in the past hour [time calculated at 1410 Hrs GMT 24 January 2008] of the much-anticipated resignation by Peter Hain from Gordon Brown’s cabinet, Khoodeelaar! Says to Gordon Brown – STOP being arrogant in showing your backing for Crossrail hole plot-backer Ken Livingstone.. Start telling the truth about the really pernicious elements that have pushed you into the corner where you had to make the bold but evidentially and objectively unjustifiable utterances fir the CRASSRail project. Listen to the people and you will stay in office… If you dismiss the people who are telling the truth and if you continue to go down the road of hypocrisy, spin and contradictions and if you get addicted to preferring to listen to those who bid you to rely on the courtiers and sycophants like Steve STUPID Richards of the ‘Independent’ then you will find that you are lacking in essential legitimacy to remain in office… This is not a threat, Gordon.. This is a warning that all truthful observers of your time so far in office at 'Number 10 Downing Street' will want you to pay attention to …Khoodeelaar!…continuing to show up the unconstitutionality of conduct by the UK Govt that is being used as a tool for Big Business to loot the UK public under the misleading covers of the London CrossRail hole project…. [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSSRAIL hole-plotter “undone mayor” Ken Livingstone has been defended [!!!] By Darcus Howe. As he has been by the weekly Vice [Oops! ‘Voice’ ‘newspaper’]. Darcus Howe is also confessing to treating with equal respectfulness the one-time ‘Labour Party Black Section’ –banner-flaunting self-seekers Keith Vaz and Diane Abbott [1983-87] [1987 was the ‘general election’ which let those two into the CORRUPTING House of Commons as ‘Labour Party ETHNIC mps’ along with the late Bernie Grant and the unlamented Paul Boateng]. There is no evidence that ANY SINGLE ONE of the ethnicity-linked time servers in either the House of Commons or in the even more corruptly appointed and installed 'House of Lords' has justified any hype attaching to their ‘appointments’ – none of them has shown any consistent or memorable or mentionable parliamentary democratic or ethical integrity let alone independence of mind or thought in any field and in any debate or on any issue that really matters in the context of the so-called black or ethnic representation in the UK parliament I say 'so-called'! Why? I shall give the criteria and description and justification for saying that. Before I do that, questions must be asked. The first questions include these: What does Darcus Howe know that those who have apparently questioned Ken LYINGSTILL Livingstone’s integrity don’t know? What does Darcus Howe have as demonstrable evidence of his ‘career’ that is made up of ‘giving up personal gains for the sake of the collective society’? Has Darcus Howe EVER published the facts of any such? OTHER than the hypes that he fomented at the expense of on-named black people who really made the main sacrifices at both the Notting Hill battles and at Lewisham? Has Darcus Howe been given the platform on the news [=’New Statesman and `Society’ – now reverted back to ‘New Statesman’] because of the 'integrity' of Howe's 'character' and 'actions' before he was able to qualify for the Lyinsgtill's ‘Freedom Pass’ that he [Howe] has been exhibiting in ‘substantiation’ of his overly pretentious presumption that his statement [carried, ironically in the NEW SS website and publication - the same one that has Martin Bright as its 'political editor'] of support for Ken Livingstone amounts to something so significant that no other member of the ‘black’ population in the UK can universally verifiably claim to lend to THEIR opinion or views on the matter? [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1035 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 23 January 2008: KHOODEELAAR! No to 'Crossrail hole Bill' [the 'Crossrail Bill’ as is in the UK ‘House of Lords’ now] CAMPAIGN - continuing to update the UK House of Lords [as the legislative ‘upper chamber’ of the UK parliament, now preparing to formally ‘consider’ the ‘CrossRail Bill’] on the record and the evidence showing the unconstitutionality of conduct by the main touts for Big Business CRASSRAIL scam... We add to the already existent massive files on Ken Livingstone’s lying perpetrations for the CRASSRail hole scam. This analysis of Ken Livingstone’s irresponsible and careeristic fiction [below] one is taken from the website today [Wednesday 23 January 2008] of a money magazine that exposes Livingstone’s subsidiary lying project - Livingstone’s peddling of the London Olympics 2012 myths and hypes. The magazine publishes the analysis from another source, named in the contents below, that exposes the immorality and the inaccuracy of Ken Livingstone's maths….. His maths too are a myth… " Ken's Olympic-sized miscalculation 23.01.2008 Here is a little mathematical conundrum for you. What number, if compounded at 6% per year, becomes 800m… but if compounded at 16% per year becomes worth 1.8bn? And how many years would this take? And if multiplied by 20% per year, would this number be 3bn? These are some of the questions posed by recent revelations that, in order to pay for the Olympic Games, money will be ‘borrowed’ from the National Lottery Fund; to be repaid from land sales once the great sporting jamboree is over. Sorting through the tangled maze of last week’s statements on this matter it appears that the government needs to recoup £800m from land sales post 2012, in order, says Ken Livingstone ‘to repay all the debts that we have incurred.’ I wonder whether this includes interest on the borrowed money. Somehow I doubt it. This figure, described as ‘conservative’ – I’ll come to this in a moment! – assumes 6% annual appreciation of the value of the land. Ken, though, reckons that the sale of land is more likely to bring in £1.8bn. This is based on annual appreciation of 16% per year, a figure that should have every investor rushing to Stratford, but which is bizarrely described by Ken as ‘quite cautious’. We can derive from these calculations that the land is presently worth about £470m. But to confuse the matter still further the London Mayor's director of planning and regeneration, Neale Coleman told the Commons’ Culture, Media and Sports Committee that ‘using the average land price inflation of 19% over the last 20 years, the LDA could make £3billion.’ This cannot be the case. If the land is now worth £470m then 19% annual appreciation takes its value to £2.3bn. You would need 23% annual appreciation before you got £3bn. This little political spat raises all sorts of questions, of which whether or not Ken Livingstone and his henchmen can do maths is the least important. The two big questions are: what is conservative? And, is the past any guide to the future? A 'conservative' consumption? The so-called conservative assumption that the value of land in the Stratford region of East London will grow at ‘only’ 6% per year is based on the fact that this apparently was the appreciation recorded in the worst year of the last twenty. That may be true, but anybody who assumes that the value of anything will appreciate above the rate of inflation and above the level of long-term interest rates is, at the very least, not allowing for the possibility that something could go wrong. This has echoes of Northern Rock, whose chief executive Adam Applegarth said that its business strategy worked very well ‘until the credit crunch came along’. The reason that we conservatively put a roof on top of our houses is because we cannot be sure that the sun will always shine. That is conservatism. Was the possibility of a recession between now and 2012 not considered? Or was the possibility that there might be a hiccough in the property bull market conveniently forgotten in the urgency of siphoning off the Lottery money? Did it not strike anyone that 6% per annum is actually quite a high figure? And that Ken’s ‘quite cautious’ 18% is just fantastic? The justification is the apparent 20% or so annual rise in land values in the area over the last twenty years. But might this not have been because land values in Stratford have been bid up in anticipation of the Olympic effect? For sure, this has been the case. Taking London as a whole [in its entirety], the price of a hectare of land has risen from £759,000 in 1983 to £5.5m now. That represents an annual rise of less than 9%. So Stratford has already far outpaced the capital. Is this because Stratford is a wonderfully attractive place to live? Or could it be because several sharp property speculators have seen the Olympics cruising into view and have been busy buying up land in anticipation? I think you know the answer to that. So will land values in Stratford rise by 6% per year, allowing the Lottery Fund to get its money back? Perhaps – but it is by no means certain. Will land values continue to rise at 16%, or 19% or 23% per annum. Not a hope! This article is taken from Tom Bulford's free daily email Penny Sleuth " By©Muhammad Haque 1220 Hrs GMT London Monday 21 January 2008: More than fifty persons in the East End of London have signed a new campaign declaration in a matter of four hours and reaffirmed their commitment against Crossrail hole. This is from one part of the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area where Khoodeelaar! Has been mobilising opposition against the CrossRail assault. The local residents responded to Khoodeelaar! Campaign information that the current procedural period to register opposition to the ‘CrossRail Bill’ in the UK House of Lords was due to end in a matter of days. It is expected that more than 100 others will sign their commitment and back the Khoodeelaar! Formal objections to the CrossRail Bill to be put to the House of Lords this week. At a campaign meeting held in the Whitechapel area, new condemnation was made against the local Tower Hamlets Council for continuing to lie to the local community about the Council’s collusion for the CrossRail hole plot. [To be continued] [Texts from an earlier part of this Khoodeelaar! Commentary by MUHAMMAD HAQUE and as published by Khoodeelaar! On the Internet today Monday 21 January 2008] Khoodeelaar! The East London Campaign against the ‘Crossrail hole plot’ [the ‘Crossrail Bill’] updating the publication of the evidential context for the demand being reiterated this week to the UK Parliament [‘house of lords] to scrap the ‘Crossrail bill’ and to recommend that the transport needs of London and the relevant other parts of the country are addressed by the uk govt giving priority to what the transport needs of the ordinary public are, what the sustainable solution is… Khoodeelaar! Asks the UK House of Lords [the ‘upper chamber’ of parliament- which in practice is the ‘lower caber’…] to show that it is acing in its role on making UK legislation in a universally objectively describable constitutionally compatible manner and that it, the UK House of Lords is and active and rigorous, ethical, intelligent and up-to-date forum for the competent, truthful, honest and timely scrutiny of any legislative proposal. ……. Khoodeelaar! Question as put to the House of Lords this morning [Monday 21 January 2008] is in the context of the statement made by [Alistair Darling who at the time was] the Secretary of state for Transport as he introduced the ‘Crossrail Bill’ into the UK [lower chamber of parliament] House of Commons in February 2005. As he did so, the Secretary of State said that he was satisfied that the Bill was ‘compatible with the Convention’. That was not true then. That is not true now. Because the ‘petitioning programme’ that is currently on about the objections against the Crossrail Bill [that is now in the House of lords] is being seriously restricted, the Khoodeelaar campaign is demanding to know how the House of lords can justify the restrictions and also claim that they are ding s by acting within the constitutional obligations The following is quoted from the UK House of Lords administrative office guidance notes about petitioning against the Crossrail Bill. The answer stated in the quoted part is in contravention of the ECHR. "CAN I OBJECT TO THE BILL AS A WHOLE? No. The Committee will only be able to consider aspects of the project proposed in the bill, which affect people in their private capacity, not fundamental principles involving broader issues (such as whether a cross-London rail link should be constructed). Those issues are discussed and decided by the House of Lords itself (during a debate on the bill on the floor of the House of Lords). The Committee cannot make recommendations on matters of principle nor do they have the power to reject the bill. There is no point, therefore, in making political comments, raising general objections to the bill or in raising broad issues of policy in your petition, you should concentrate instead on the specific ways in which the bill directly and specially affects you or those you represent." [To be continued] By©Muhammad Haque 0800 Hrs GMT London Sunday 20 January 2008 Khoodeelaar! No to ‘Crossrail hole’ plot, No to ‘CRASS rail lies’ like ‘high speed link needed to Heathrow to keep London at the top of the league of world class cities’ - lies that Ken Livingstone has been uttering… 1. KHOODEELAAR! Campaigners from the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 area set to ask NEW and UPDATED questions and put them to the [‘legislative’] UK House of Lords to demand that the promoter of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ [now in the ‘House of Lords’], the UK Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly [MP] produce immediately unambiguous evidence that there is economic justification, there is environmental justification for spending £Billions of public money for a project that is peddled by its peddlers at its ‘most justifiable’ to be one about RUSHING passengers to Heathrow airport and then depositing them into an airport of waiting, of waste, of congested contaminated desperation…. 2. What is the point of Crossrail…… 3. And other questions…. 4. Khoodeelaar! SAYING NO to the congestion of lies by CRASSRail hole-plot backer Ken Livingstone… 5. Those lies can no longer be ignored by the ‘mainstream’… 6. The lies that they told in the ‘London’ ‘evening standard’ for Crossrail… 7. On the one hand the ‘evening standard’ and the lying CRASSRail hole-plotters denounced the ‘long hours, even days’ of waiting chaos at Heathrow and on the other and in almost the same breath they lied and said that CROSSRAIL was ‘vital’ to LINK with Heathrow… 8. Now, where do they propose to take the public once they RUSH them at high speed to Heathrow? 9. What happens when Heathrow is congested? 10. What is the point of the pointless CRASSRail then? …. [To be continued] The CURRENT campaign news, information and commentary being created for Khoodeelaar! By the AADHIKAR Media Foundation and published on the Internet is focussed on the CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. What is Khoodeelaar! Doing to bring about compliance with the UK’s European Treaty obligations in the conduct of making laws in the UK. Khoodeelaar! Is at once embarked on a multi-faceted programme of defence of the ordinary public in London and by extension across the UK against the illegal, unconstitutional, illegitimate behaviour on the part of the UK executive. As this week’s ‘comments’ in the ‘mainstream’ media in the UK has been about the near-disaster [that was, according to a number of news reports, averted only by a worrying 20 seconds!!!] At the Heathrow airport which reportedly occurred when Gordon Brown was in the vicinity, the Khoodeelaar! Campaign is going to put appropriate legal and constitutional law emphasis on the demand that it has already put to Gordon Brown’s administration to show the evidence of uncorrupted correlation between the various claims that the Government has been making for the Big Business CrossRail hole plot. Of specific importance is the claim that has been made with insane fanaticism, and echoed by a Ken Livingstone-compromised Gordon Brown in the weeks and months between 1 October 2007 and 1 December 2007, to the effect that one of the most vital ECONOMIC arguments and justifications for Crossrail was that it would link up Heathrow airport with the rest of the ‘City of London’. Now that even Frank Field, MP [Birkenhead, England] [on the BBC Radio 4 programme 'Any Question' as broadcast on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 January 2008] has called Heathrow airport obsolete and assorted other commentators have been able to speak out against any plans to create another terminal at Heathrow airport, questions that Khoodeelaar! Has already put to Ruth Kelly [the Current 'Crossrail hole plot-promoting UK Secretary of State at the Department for Transport'] will be updated and reinforced. 2007 Khoodeelaar! Will show the constitutional law way forward for solving the genuine transport needs of London Khoodeelaar! Dissecting the language of CrossRail lies by Crossrail promoters Khoodeelaar! Evidence of constitutional and democratic questions as put to the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council – the past four years Khoodeelaar! Questions to the several relevant UK mps Khoodeelaar! Questions to the office concerned in the UK House of Lords dealing with the House of Lords ‘consideration’ of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ Khoodeelaar! Diagnosis of the unconstitutionality of the behaviour of Ruth Kelly, Tom Harris and their co-ministers and post-holders in the uk Department for Transport Khoodeelaar! Invokes the ‘lessons’ of 1988 and the follies of the PRE-Crossrail UK Department for Transport and their THEN idiocies which exposed the UK Government of the day [Maggie Thatcher] to Europe-wide ridicule [ as based on the UK's Government’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL, unethical and dishonest behaviour] in a big way Khoodeelaar! Constitutional law updates against the drafting of, the proceedings about and the promotion of the current ‘Crossrail Bill’ Khoodeelaar! Campaign updates Khoodeelaar! Breaking news -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Muhammad Haque 1410 Hrs GMT London Thursday 17 January 2008 As I have been saying for the past almost eight years – since I came across a piece of paper issued by the CRASSRail hole plot-inviting clique in Tower Hamlets – the scheme would bring no benefits to the East End. It could not do so. What is more, the TRANSPORT needs of the UK as a whole or even those of ‘England and Wales’ [my phraseology is devolving here in ‘line’ with the ‘Scottish’ accent....] Would not be addressed unless the entire schema was thoroughly revised by taking into truthful account all the factors involved. The KEY factor that I have been stressing ALL Along – and one which is the reason why I decided to label the ‘decision-making’ perpetrators as the ‘corrupt claque’ in control of the Tower Hamlets Council, is that of the deliberate policy of neglecting the ‘education’ of the children, the young people and the adults in the borough of Tower Hamlets… It is this particular one that today’s [Thursday 17 January 2008] Times newspaper group website acknowledges in their presentation of the ‘findings’. The Wigan web site is also vindicating, in effect, what I have said and what I shall continue to say on the evidence and on the facts against the ghastly inappropriateness of the WASTEFUL Crossrail scam.. That CRSSRAIL cist is bad for the rest of the economy just as it is for the overall transport needs of London people…[To be continued] View HERE today's [Thursday 17 January 2008] anger against CRASSRail is being expressed in Wigan By Muhammad Haque 1408 Hrs GMT London Thursday 17 January 2008 View HERE today's reporting of the CRASSRail costs overruns as pub shed by the Times, London, newspaper group By Muhammad Haque 1400 Hrs GMT London Thursday 17 January 2008 CRASSRail hole plot-backer London FT confesses to having lied in the time before Gordon Brown ‘made the announcement about the public funding of the’ CRASS ‘rail’ scheme. View HERE the ‘news’ report as published by the London 'FT' [='Financial Times'] today, Thursday 17 January 2008, making confession to the lies and also vindicating – [without ever wanting to; to want to so would show that they were ethically able to recognise the truth or to support the truthful campaign]- what the Khoodeelaar! Analysis has always maintained: that the claim, as made by the pluggers of the CRASSRail project to the effect that it, CRASSRail, would bring ‘benefits’ to areas like the East London borough of Tower Hamlets was a multi-layered, poisonous, corrupting, criminally negligent untruth of indescribable social irresponsibility [To be continued] CLICK HERE to view the LATEST Khoodeelaar! 'No to Crossrail hole Bill’ campaign news, INCLUDING the updated texts of the summary of the Khoodeelaar! CONSTITUTIONAL LAW objections being put to the UK House of Lords against the purpose, against the promotion, against the contents and against the procedures attached to the ‘Crossrail Bill’ in the UK Parliament [as has been evident in the behaviour of the holder of the post of Secretary of State – UK cabinet Minister - for Transport since February 2005] and as has been evident in the behaviour of the corrupt unconstitutional, unethical, prejudiced, spiteful, ignorant, time-serving bureaucracy that was in control of the pathetic, the parasitical, the undignified ‘CrossRail Bill; ‘select committee’ ‘of mps [more later on that disgraceful episode at the behest of the Big Business-linked Tony Blaired UK Govt administration used by Big Business to promote Crossrail as the cover to loot the UK public ] comments and legal updates on the CURRENT Khoodeelaar! Campaign Action against the Crossrail hole plot. …… Poverty of the Blairing assault by Gordon Brown on the inner city East End of London - New feature here soon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poverty of the ‘Tower Hamlets schools performance propaganda’ - New feature here soon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other web sites and web pages that regularly carry the AADHIKARonline contents include [as at 1045 Hrs GMT on Thursday 17 January [ 2008] www.aadhikar.com www.cbruk.com www.khoodeelaar.com and khoodeelaar.wordpress.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today’s [Thursday 17 January 2008] editions of AADHIKARonline and the related web sites jointly publishing the arguments and the moral, the democratic, the social and the constitutional defence of the inner city East End of London against the CRASSRail hole project being pushed through the UK Houses of Parliament by a morally compromised Gordon Brown - will include the Muhammad Haque daily world ethicality commentary examining the rising tide of corrupt and lack of morality in the behaviour of the Gordon Brown ‘administration'’. why Gordon brown must behave in transparently honest and accountable and constitutional manner and move to scrap the CRASSRail hole bill why the liars fur CrossRail – as being exposed in effect via the big business-linked ‘construction industry professionals’ [see the reports in the ft and the times newspapers, today, Thursday 17 January 2008] should be asked to resign al the publicly paid for posts and positions that they hold or are seeking to hold How Peter Hain’s allegedly unique imbroglio is in fact and on the facts part and parcel of the corruption that is endemic in the Britain that Gordon Brown so ridiculously boasts about. When Brown imperiously utters the imperialistic slogans and couches them all in his even more ridiculously irrelevant and inappropriate phrase pronounced in his ridiculously placed and contrived pr-racist accent as British vah-loos’ does he do that in the knowledge that right across the inner cities in the UK ‘mainland’ where most of the impoverished people ‘live’, there are cabals of Blair-praising, Gordon Brown-applauding careerists, little time servers and propagandists that are funded under various corrupting UK state schemes and that these cabals are there only to be used to keep the largest numbers of the deprived, the impoverished under control? And that he, Gurdon Brown ‘knows’ that these cabals are made up of exhibition-standard ethnicity-linked surrogates, ethnic surrogates who will be put on parade whenever the thrust of the new Discrimination, the newel inequality that Brown is plotting is felt by the majority of the targeted people in the inner cities? Does he, Gordon Brown, mean the likes that the beleaguered ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone has been wheeling out at regular publicity intervals recently? Does Brown also feel ‘assured’ that the likes of the state-sponsored agents of racism in Britain today, as personified and typified by Trevor the Terrible P-lips, will serve en as the couriers of corruption that Gordon Brown wants to infect the ordinary people across the inner cities with? [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muhammad Haque questions BBC TV plug for Crossrail hole plot-backer Ken Livingstone, today The dishonestly edited BBC ‘London’ news TV programme is set to give Ken Livingstone yet another promotion at the scheduled broadcast of a propaganda ‘interview’ at 1830 Hrs GMT today. Khoodeelaar! Is telling the programme’s ‘political editor’ Tim Donovan to distance himself from the sleaze-ball Ken Livingstone-accommodating BBC agenda and actually use the available evidence of misconduct, misuse of office and powers and give Livingstone a serous interrogation. Will Donovan do it? Will Donovan be allowed by the corrupt BBC executives to do it? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSSRAIL hole GHOSTS haunting Whitechapel in the early hours of Monday morning ! CROSSRAIL hole-plotters’ ghastly self-promotion and photo opportunity near the GHOST Bus service heading for Whitechapel! – And how the ‘local’ ‘independent’ ‘newspaper’ the East London Idiotiser aids and abets the CRASSRail hole plot-backing trio of John Biggs, Denise Jones and Jim F.Patrick ! – Part 1 the east London Idiotiser’ behaves in typically idiotic fashion when it manages to spend time and resource in promoting the petty careeristic agenda of not one but as many as three CrossRail hole plot-backers against the east end of London. And the idiotic ‘newspaper’ fails to mention the CRASSRail plot in an over-lengthy piece that it then parades on its equally ignorantly-‘edited’ web site. The task of getting the spin by the CrossRail hole three is first undertaken by another web site and by the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against Crossrail hole plot.. with ‘journalism’ like that as displayed by the ‘East London Idiotiser’ there is no way that the community in the East End of London can get the vital information and reporting service we deserve if we are to be able to defend ourselves against the Big Business-dictated, US-multi-national-Bechtel-lobby-created agenda being carried out by the East London-derived ‘public offices’ being held disrespectfully by John Biggs, Denise Jones and Jim OF Patrick [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 10 January 2008, the London Times newspaper published another economics-related comment on the ‘CrossRail’ ‘scheme’. Although a promotional piece, it still contained enough evidence of the lack of merit in the present CrossRail 'scheme'. From an economic standpoint. The author of the times piece had previously written on CrossRail far more critically. That was in September 2007. On that occasion, Khoodeelaar! Had analysed the published position of the times newspaper and in the time since then, several items have been published on the times web site as stated by Khoodeelaar! Organiser Muhammad Haque. Most of those comments have been about – and against - the breaches by the CrossRail hole plot-backer [Blaired-Brown] government of the uk’s constitutional obligations /h2> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By©Muhammad Haque 1000 Hrs GMT London Monday 14 January 2008 A London community denounces ‘CrossRail station’ plans truly awful. Why are the plans being denounced as awful? Because of the lies that the CrossRail hole plot backer local council told in justifying its collusion with The Crossrail hole plot… but the lying council on this occasion - significant this - is not tower hamlets. Just like tower hamlets council though. That one is across the river in south London. Khoodeelaar! Will be publishing another updated exposition of the lies that local councils have been telling to and against the communities in the ‘councils’ ‘areas’ and affected by the CRASSRail hole plot activities… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole Bill - the constitutional law Ground-Part 10 Khoodeelaar! Interpretation of the UK ‘constitution’ By©Muhammad Haque 0820 Hrs GMT London Monday 14 January 2008 The assertion made to Parliament [the House of Commons] By the Secretary of State’ that the ‘CrossRail Bill’ was ‘compatible’ with the European Conventions, has been Untrue. The Conventions have been violated by the Secretary of State at every Crucial point. The Secretary of State as the ‘promoter’ of the CRASSRail Scam [the ‘Crossrail Bill’ in its various forms to date] in Parliament has also breached the UK’s Human Rights Act And the Freedom of Information Act AS PART OF and in The process of the breaches of the ECHR. Among other UK statutory and common law obligations in The context of the ECHR. The breaches have not been either warranted by or related To or precipitated by any evidentially rationally, legally, Constitutionally and truthfully and fairly and justly and Transparently and ethically conceivable ground that any UK Secretary of State can advance [or could have advanced in The period since the actual ‘CrossRail Bill’ was introduced Into the UK parliament] in justifying any actual or Notionally exercisable or available ‘right to the specific Derogation’ from the UK’s Treaty obligations. [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muhammad Haque daily constitutional law commentary – on the urgent need for the ‘House of Lords’, the UK Upper chamber in Parliament, to wake up and hood the Government to account. The 'House of Lords' could make a start by rigorously scrutinizing the ‘Crossrail Bill’ and its purpose and its implications… 1630 Hrs GMT London Sunday 13 January 2008: The role of the ‘Upper chamber’ [the House of Lords] [in the Uk parliament] is often not even mentioned, let alone recognised. Yet it could be a significant alternative to the servility of the House of Commons. Now, isn’t that a prospect! If only we had members in the Upper Chamber actually prepared to speak out on issues that matter. If we had the House of Lords really holding the ‘executive' to account by way of subjecting the CrossRail Bill to the kind of rigorous examination that the Bill actually warrants but has been allowed to escape in the House of Commons To be continued Earlier on Sunday 13 January 2008: Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill CAMPAIGN Organiser Muhammad Haque published the latest challenge to ‘London mayor election’ [scheduled to be held on 1 May 2008] ‘candidate’ Brian Paddick to state how he, Brian Paddick, would do anything AGAINST Crossrail when his ‘party’ [The Liberal Democrats] were ALL for the CrossRail scheme By©Muhammad Haque 1135 Hrs GMT London Sunday 13 January 2008 “Given that there is a belated awareness in some sections of the ‘mainstream’ media of the need to hold the holder of the post of ‘mayor of London’ to account and given that Mr Paddick himself evaluates his own position as being in many ways unique - relying as he does on the fact of his police career – and most importantly, given his public disagreement with the current commissioner of police on a number of issues all to do with points of principle, isn’t it incumbent on Mr Paddick to explain why he has contradicted so many of his ‘party’s’ ’spokespersons’ on Crossrail and how, in this context he thinks he can carry out any policies that counter the position of his ‘party’ in the conceptual eventuality of his getting elected ‘mayor of London’?” [To be continued] < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jus how widespread has been the LYING and the misconduct by the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council? Has the Khoodeelaar! Campaign been ‘exaggerating’ in any way in whatever we have been saying [now for the past 4 years] about the role,. The behaviour of the controlling clique on the Crossrail hole-peddling Tower Hamlets Council? Khoodeelaar! Has established a unique library of original work encompassing ALL aspects of the Crossrail hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council. So unique and politically significant that our work is now recognised internationally. Khoodeelaar! Has been recognised - that is known as a reliable source of informed commentary about the state of Gordon Brown’s 'Britain' - now as being one of the most widely known and constitutionally active campaigns in the UK.. We show new evidence constituting the ground on which Khoodeelaar! Is internationally recognised.... … We show that Owen Whalley, the employee who has been placed in the role of operating the controlling clique's Blairising [that word, ‘Blairising’ has been just devised and used here for the first time, in this edition of the AADHIKARonline, at 1103 Hrs GMT Sunday 13 January 2008 –] agenda of INVITING the Crossrail hole problems upon the East End of London community, has been left out to dry, as it were, by the controlling clique… Because 'unknown' = allegedly, as we do not have reason to believe what Mr Whalley says either] to Whalley, the others, his ‘political controllers’ on the corrupt Council, KNOW and have known for a long while, that they have been BLOCKING Khoodeelaar! Communications to the corrupt Council…. Just as the ‘lead’ ! Member for degeneration was left out to rot in a limbo – but Khoodeelaar! Has been typically generous and has not taken the bait to annihilate the career of that pathetically misplaced ‘lead member’. So has Owen Whalley…. [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constitutional law commentary and report By©Muhammad Haque Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill CAMPAIGN, organised in defence of the community in the East End of London, continuing to publish today Friday 11 January 2008 the comprehensive list of updated grounds against the ‘Crossrail Bill’ [now in the UK Parliament's ‘upper chamber’ the ‘House of Lords’ at ‘Westminster’] , including the exposition where relevant of the unconstitutional behaviour and dishonesty by the agents, the post-holders and the touts operating in the name of the community and installed in the 'public' bodies and groups, ‘platforms and forums including the following the ‘Greater London Authority’ the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets London Borough Council the Parliamentary constituencies of Bethnal Green and Bow and Poplar and Lime house/Poplar and Canning Town [whichever description of that constituency is appropriate, relevant and valid - this is a reference to the Boundary Commission's activities] the CLRL company Transport For London [=tfl] The Department for Transport [=DfT] the House of Commons ‘CrossRail Bill’ ‘select committee’ and its bureaucracy The House of Commons ‘Sergeant at Arms’ the House of Commons 'Speaker's Secretariat and office -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- London CrossRail hole-plot-backer minister tom Harris and his DfT boss Ruth Kelly are exposed as being untenable. As is the big business agent in the house of lords j valentine… in a comment published today [Thursday 10 January 2008] by a blogger from Manchester [more on the guardian’s role, later] CLICK HERE to view a pdf version of the blog -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By©Muhammad Haque 2050 hrs GMT London Thursday 10 January 2008 How is it possible that Churning fake News [=’Channel Four News’] has been able to flaunt both the Crossrail hole plot-tout Ken Livingstone and the universally guilty Tony Blair among the ‘short listed’ for political awards? Time to scrap Jon ‘Slow’ Snow and his corrupting Churning Fake News programme Whenever channel four news boasts about itself, it flaunts the face of Jon ‘slow’ Snow, as if his image is somehow synonymous with ‘accuracy, immediacy, relevance, integrity, accountability, transparency, truthfulness, courage, investigation and ethics and morality…’! Or may be they flaunt his face in idle ignorance of any of the above criteria, which I attach to what should be a news programme on a ‘channel that I helped to found’! The truth of the matter is that I had feared that the ‘much-needed fourth TV channel’ that we were arguing for in the 1970s, might turn out to be yet another corrupting TV outlet for the organised gangs of crooks that wear ties and brag about their having 'gone to' the same gangster schools called ‘public’ schools and so on… It was inevitable that I had to start campaigning again - almost immediately after Channel Four began broadcasting at the beginning of the 1980s - against the criminals that the [fourth] channel began to employ In the 25 years or so since the corrupting channel came to being, things have not got better as far as the peoples’ right to have truthful TV station or programme is concerned. Channel 4 in fact became identified as the Porn Channel and as if to prove that the BBC was no better than the Brothelliser, Corrupting corporation, the discredited, lying outfit then hired Michael Grade, ‘the Pornographer in chief' [as the Daily Mail was able to label him] as the BBC’s 'salvaging chairman! How the criminals have prevailed… To a point that this evening [Thursday 10 January 2008], the ghastly ‘news’ programme featured ken the CrossRail hole plot-tout as one of the 'Channel 4 News programme's ‘short listed’ political awards nominees! Including none other than Tony Bliar himself shown as being a ‘nominee’ for the award covering an entire decade…. And this on the very day when news broke of Blair’s having been employed by yet another war-mongering, pro-nukes outfit, paying Bliar a reported one million dollar per year for a few minutes’ presence on their board a month….. What c4 news should have concentrated on, instead of parading the Bliar as if he had done no harm to the world. Here was a man who took part in the causing of and in the justifying of the murders of uncounted numbers of innocent people in Asia ….. And Jon slow was parading Bliar as the first face on the so-called short listed 6…. If Gordon brown had not unintentionally exposed Ofcom [in the past few days] as the corrupt outfit that Ofcom itself is [brown hired as his spin doctor OFCOM’s former boss], I would almost certainly have called for Ofcom to investigate the churning fake news itself! No wonder that when Jon Slow began to ‘interview’ john Hutton, Gordon brown’s nuclear minister, there was hardly any substance to the stock phrases that slow included in his routine… [To be continued] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By©Muhammad Haque 0520 Hrs GMT LondonThursday 10 January 2008 Big Business Crossrail hole plot is CrossRail. Now it is getting to be derided as if it is CURSED rail! As if the ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone’s insidious scheme is a measure of serious flaws in the very thinking, the very manoeuvring of the once ‘prudent’ ‘economics’ man Gordon Brown That is the view of one writer published this morning by the Daily Telegraph group in London. Ineptitude is what Gordon Brown is being accused of. And excess costs. Linked with CrossRail. The writer says there is a much better and more economic solution available ….as compared with the costs and the irrelevance of CrossRail! To be continued -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MUHAMMAD HAQUE daily world ethical commentary 1200 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 8 January 2008 Coming later on today [8 January 2008] in the Muhammad Haque daily ethical commentary on Gordon Brown the examination of the following aspects of the uk premier who has already given the phrase ‘British vah-loos’ a precariously dubious identity…. How is it ‘British vah-loos’ to attack the people pushed into involuntary poverty and deprivation BY Brown’s own administration? How is it ‘British vah-loos’ to maintain discrimination and violate the ethical aspects of peoples’ rights while deriding the targeted people undergoing these assaults for not showing enough initiative? What initiatives does Gordon Brown in office at no 10 Downing Street, recognise as being consistent with his appreciation of ‘British vah-loos’? How is it that there are increasing numbers of ‘British’ people who are being pushed into rotting existence due to the failures of the state, the failures which Brown has been significantly reluctant to see in time ? Or see at all? How can Brown claim to know what any ‘vah-loos’ are when he is the prime minister who has been found with no acceptable explanation for the financial disasters that have come to light, not to speak of the robbery of peoples’ privacy contrary to their universal human rights? [To be continued] How is it that so many items of evidence in Gordon Brown’s behaviour since he officially assumed the tenancy at No 10 Downing Street London SW1 in 2007 have been cited by the entire spectrum of ‘mainstream media commentators’ to support their derisive conclusive about Brown’s competence [etc] and not one of those items has been acknowledged as being remotely to do with Brown’s clouded collusion with the CRASSRail hole plotter Ken Livingstone? How long before these commentators agree with an echo the Khoodeelaar! Dissection of Gordon Brown’s seriously ill-advised and unjustifiable hype for the Big Business CRASSRail? And does Gordon Brown really understand the implications of What he is desperately letting himself in for? I mean, does Gordon Brown really have the democratic ability or the moral legitimacy to really take on people who care about and selflessly defend the environment? [To be continued] Muhammad Haque daily commentary 1350 Hrs GMT London Sunday 6 January 2008 ’Difficult decisions! ‘Tough year 2008’! Gordon Brown again promoted Andrew Maar to the de facto post of a platform, which should have belonged in the Houses of parliament. And Brown should have been subjected to the overdue scrutiny on each and every single one of his assertions as he made those to the undeserved promotion of Andrew Maar and the BBC. That post would have existed if we had an accountable, assertive Parliament in the UK. Gordon Brown is abusing the position of Prime Minister just in the same way that Tony Blair did. And the abuse is going to get worse during this year. Appearing on the Andrew Marr Show, which is in fact the courier of the same baggage and garbage of propaganda that was stinkingly foisted on the viewing public/people with the over-oiled face of David Frost.. It is clear that if there has been any change after Frost vacated that slot which now flaunts Andrew Maar as the occupant] it has been for the worse. Gordon Brown has been able to make utterances on it that no self-resetting 'national' [meaning central UK] constituency in a 'world class' [!!! More on that crass slogan so fanatically promoted by Brown's 'new mate' the 'undone mayor' Ken Livingstone] should put up with from such a facile and banal occupier of No 10 Downing Street… His courtiers may not have told Gordon Brown this yet. But he is in danger of becoming ridiculously incredible unless he stops making these appearances.. I am going to do the scrutiny of four of his key utterances as made via the Andrew Marr embarrassment called the interview.. [To be continued] By©Muhammad Haque 1148 Hrs GMT London Friday 4 January 2008 On Tuesday 8 January 2008, Khoodeelaar! Will put to the ‘CrossRail Bill’ ‘select committee’ in the UK ‘House of Lords’ the summarised version of the key objections to the contents and the purpose of the Bill. We shall do so in the knowledge of the ‘guidelines’ already published by the bureaucracy of the House of Lords concerning the objections and the remits. We shall be doing s in accordance with the UK’s constitutional obligations to afford due and full contents and evidence of the objections to be presented to the UK Parliament against the CrossRail Bill. Throughout the period of the House of Lords committee’s ‘consideration’ of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ we shall be publishing every day appropriate additional updates, news reports and constitutional law commentaries here and on other related Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole Bill CAMPAIGN web sites, blogs and other internet and electronic platforms. For the LATEST Khoodeelaar! 'No to Crossrail hole Bill’ campaign news, comments and legal updates on the Khoodeelaar! Action against the Crossrail hole plot, CLICK HERE. Khoodeelaar! Is the campaign against the London Crossrail hole plot Bill [the draft piece of legislation – a hybrid Bill, called the ‘CrossRail Bill’ - that is now being moved through the UK houses of parliament at the behest of Big Business interests prevailing over Gordon Brown’s administration. The Big Business lobby is set to loot UK ordinary peoples' money - we distinguish between 'taxpayers' money and the peoples' money - more on this at a later edition]. Khoodeelaar! Is a Seelotee [< ‘Sylhetti’ < ‘Sylhet’] language word devised by Muhammad Haque in the East End of London, to signify the defence against and to denote the destructive agenda by big business that has been afoot under covers of plots like the Crossrail hole scam. Khoodeelaar! Is the campaign that has created a new and current foundation of argument based on the evidence that is universally independently objectively verifiable. The arguments are at once revenant to the east end of London as we as to the rest of the inner cities UK. By accessible extension, the arguments are as valid in the east end of London as they are in those parts of other ‘western’ cities where income and social disparity are the essential ingredients of the [classic] capitalist [and its variants that are manifest in the local forms, mechanisms and scams of ] exploitation regimes. Khoodeelaar! Is currently preparing a series of constitutional law representations against the contents and the purpose of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ …that constitutional law campaign by Khoodeelaar! Defending the community in the East End of London begins in the first week of January 2008. Visit this and associated web sites to stay in touch with that stage of the universal and the historic campaign for the upholding of the rights of the people of the east End of London – and by extension of the advocacy in principle of those of the rights of all the pressurized, violated, disenfranchised destitute peoples in the UK inner cities and of the other parts of the world- and for the voicing of the rights in principle of the vast majority whose voices are not heard in the UK parliament... If with no complete success in on and referring to at the next level and stage of our campaign which will be taken before getting the ‘select committee in the UK Parliament’s Upper Chamber [the ‘House of Lords’] to agree with our aims …. for the records Records that we shall be relying e the European judicial and constitutional platforms…..
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